机构地区: 佛山科学技术学院
出 处: 《建筑技术开发》 2001年第8期27-29,56,共4页
摘 要: 基于人工神经网络的原理和高强混凝土配制及施工的技术经验和路线 ,提出了解决高强混凝土配制模式特征不明确、随机因素多、各组分对混凝土强度及泵送性能影响呈非线性等问题的BP神经网络方法 ,据此开发的混凝土配合比设计应用软件 ,能较好地实现高强混凝土的强度及流动性能的预测。 Based on the theory of neural network. the technical experiences and route of the compounding and construction in high strength pumping concrete, the author suggests a BP neural network approach to solve the problems of modular ambiguity, the multiple random factors and the nonlinear influence of the composition to the strength of the concrete. Accordingly, he develops an applicable software for mix proportion of concrete which is capable of forecasting the strength and the workability of the high strength concrete. \[