机构地区: 华南农业大学林学院
出 处: 《广东林业科技》 2001年第3期 11-15,共5页
摘 要: 在增城市营造了10种乡土阔叶树种的生态示范林,样地的早期生长结果显示:山乌桕、红锥、红苞木、枫香等树种生长较快,观光木、深山含笑、石栎和胡氏青冈等生长较慢.野外观察发现,夏季高温天气会灼伤观光木和合掌木幼嫩部分及叶片,这些植物的早期生长需要半荫蔽环境;个别秋枫植株受蚜虫侵害,生长受抑,因此造林初期需要重视虫害防治.针对乡土树种的特性,还对生态林造林和抚育技术的改进问题进行了简要的讨论. The early growth of 10 indigenous species of South China in an ecological plantation demonstration site of Zengcheng (Guangdong Province) is reported. The preliminary result showed that the saplings of Sapium discolor, Castanopsis hystrix, Rhodoleia championii, Liquidambar formosana had fast growth while those of Tsoongiodendron odorum, Michelia maudiae, Cyclobalanopsis hui , and Lithocarpus glaber had slow growth in the first year after transplanting. Field survey found that the young shoots and leaves of Tsoongiodendron odorum and Exbucklandia tonkinensis were hurt in summer. These two species needed shaded habitat in the early stage. A few saplings of Bischofia javanica were attacked with the aphids. Pest control is required for this species. The improvement of traditional planting techniques for the ecological plantations is suggested.\;