作 者: ;
机构地区: 浙江大学
出 处: 《徐州师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2001年第2期104-107,共4页
摘 要: 两宋立国均仰赖运河。北宋定都无险可守之汴京,实迁就于运河漕运之便利,依靠运河维持“强干弱枝”立国之势。运河,尤其是汴河,漕远东南粮米、钱帛,不仅供养京师上百万官兵士庶,而且兼顾边防和灾区所需。运河漕运之阻滞,是北宋亡国的重要原因。南宋将行都定于临安,运河也是重要条件。江南运河对各地财赋之转输、政令布达之通畅,以及沿岸地区之繁荣,成为南宋政权赖以存在的基础,而浙东运河又成为对外贸易获取商税的重要通道。另外,盐税在两宋财政收入中占很大比重,而运河又在食盐运销中发挥着重要作用。 Both the South and the North Song Dynasties relied on the Grand Canal to develop their economy and to build up their states. The Grand Canal was used to transport grain, coins, etc. not only for the benefit of millions of soldiers but also for the victims of natural clamities. The block of the canal was the main cause of the fall of the North Song. While the canal south of Yangtze River contributed greatly to the building up of the South Song in various aspects such as transporting properties and issuing decrees of the ruler. The canal became the lifeline to the prosperous economy of the South Song. It was used constantly to transport salt because salt taxes were the chief finance revenue of both dynasties.