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Influence of ice adding rate on the lychee fruit quality under common transportation condition

作  者: ; (陈洪国); (谢代寒);

机构地区: 湖北咸宁教育学院咸宁437100

出  处: 《湖北农业科学》 2001年第2期56-58,共3页

摘  要: 以荔枝果实为材料 ,设置多个加冰比例 [冰 / (冰 +果 )× 10 0 % ]与急预冷 5℃等处理 ,7 5kg和 1 5kg包装 ,对果实温度、品质以及某些生理指标进行测定。结果表明 :室温下 72h后 ,对照与急降温预冷 5℃处理的果实温度相近 ,达 33℃左右 ,均高于室温 ,7 5kg和 1 5kg包装没有区别。加冰处理使果实温度先下降 ,后回升 ;加冰越多 ,果实品质保持越好 ,好果率越高 ,果实失重越少 ,细胞膜保持越完整。综合考虑经济效益及可行性后我们建议 :省际间荔枝的运输以小包装、加冰比例在 2 0 %~ 30 Using lychee as materials and designing various ice adding percentages ([ice/(ice + fruit)]×100%) and rapid freezing treatment,package with 7 5kg and 1 5kg,the timely changes of fruit temperature,quality and some physiological indexes were measured. The result showed that fruit temperature of the control as well as the rapid freezing treatment all reached at about 33℃ 72 hours later,which was higher than room temperature,there are no difference between 7 5kg and 1 5kg.Fruit temperature, with 50% ice addition, reached at the lowest temperature 6℃,then raised to 27℃ 72 hours later,which was lower than room temperature.With more ice added,fruit temperature was maintained lower and quality was maintained better, good fruit percentage was higher,fruit mass loss was less,cell membrane kept more integrate.While taken economic factors into consideration,ice adding percentage of 20%~30% and package with 1 5kg were recommended for commercial practice.

关 键 词: 荔枝 泡沫箱加冰常温运输 加冰量 温度变化 果实品质

领  域: [农业科学] [农业科学]


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机构 华南农业大学经济管理学院
机构 华南师范大学
机构 华南农业大学
机构 韩山师范学院
机构 中山大学新华学院


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