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EPG analysis of the Toxopter acitricida on healthy and CTV-infected citrus

作  者: ; ; ; ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 贵州大学农学院贵州省山地农业病虫害综合防治重点实验室

出  处: 《山地农业生物学报》 2014年第2期36-39,共4页

摘  要: 利用刺探电位图谱(EPG)技术对褐色橘蚜Toxopter acitricida(Kirkaldy)在健康与感染CTV的植株上的取食行为进行了比较研究。结果显示,褐色橘蚜在二者上均产生8种取食波形,分别为非刺探波(np波)、路径波(A波、B波、C波)、Pd波、韧皮部分泌唾液波(El波)、韧皮部被动吸食波(E2波)以及木质部主动吸食波(G波)。刺探过程中,二者非刺探总时间(np波)存在差异;褐色橘蚜在健康植株上的刺探次数最多且C波的总持续时间最长,与感病植株差异显著。感病植株上,E1波的次数和持续时间均显著多于健康植株。褐色橘蚜在感病植株上E2波的总持续时间为(241.33±24.12 min),显著长于在健康植株上(160.30±24.63 min)的持续时间。由此可初步推断,感染CTV的植株在一定程度上会增加褐色橘蚜获毒与传毒的几率。 Feeding behaviors of Toxoptera citricida (Kirkaldy) on healthy and CTV-infected citrus were investigated by electrical penetration graph (EPG) technique. The results exhibited that there were eight EPG waveforms of the T. citricida feeding on healthy and infected plants: Non-penetration waveform (waveform np), pathway waveforms (waveform A, B and C), waveform Pd, saliva secretion in phloem (waveform E1 ), phloem sap ingestion (waveform E2), and xylem sap ingestion (waveform G). During the process of the penetration, the duration of the non-penetration period waveforms (waveform np) were different between the healthy and the diseased plants. Penetration times and the duration of waveform C on the healthy plants were both significantly longer than that on the diseased plants. Nevertheless, numbers and total duration of waveform E1 on the diseased plants were significantly longer than those on the healthy plants ( P 〈 0.05 ). Total duration of E2 of T. citricida on the diseased plants (241.33 ±24. 12 min) was obviously longer than it on the healthy (160. 30±24.63 rain). Hence, it could be inferred that the probability of virus acquisition and transmission would be enhanced when T. citricida fed on CVT- infected plants.

关 键 词: 褐色橘蚜 刺吸电位图谱 取食行为 传毒 柑橘衰退病毒

领  域: [农业科学] [农业科学]


作者 鄢勤
作者 潘达强


机构 华南农业大学资源环境学院红火蚁研究中心


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