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Influence on air-entraining agent to structure of lightweight aggregate thermal insulation mortar

作  者: ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 韶关学院化学与环境工程学院

出  处: 《新型建筑材料》 2014年第6期69-72,共4页

摘  要: 为探索从细观角度研究轻集料保温砂浆的结构,针对轻集料保温砂浆的结构特点,建立结构模型,得出集料表面上胶结料厚度(l)的计算公式,利用光学数字显微镜和图像分析软件(Image-Pro plus6.0),定量计算砂浆结构中集料和气孔的结构参数,并定义了评价气孔与集料参数关系的M值。在此基础上,从细观层面、多角度研究了引气剂对保温砂浆结构的影响。分析显示,引气剂在集胶比不同时对砂浆结构的影响不同。集胶比较大时,M值较大,且随引气剂掺量的增加而增大,引气剂使集料在砂浆中的分布更加均匀;集胶比较小时,M值较小,并随引气剂掺量的增大而降低,引气剂具有在硬化浆体中形成一定数量气孔的作用;同时,l值从集料与集料之间结合的角度反应了引气剂对砂浆结构的影响。 In order to study lightweight aggregate thermal insulation structure from a microscopic perspective,according to structural characteristics of lightweight aggregate insulation mortar, cement thickness (l) on the surface of aggregate was obtained by establishing structural model,parameters of aggregates and pores in mortar structure were quantitatively measured using optical digital microscopy and image analysis software (Image-Pro plus 6.0). The M value that can describe the relationship between ag- gregates and pores was defined. On the basis of this,the influence of air-entraining agent on the mortar structure was studied from the microscopic level and multi-angle. Analysis shows that the influence is different in different aggregate-cement ratio. When aggregate-cement ratio is larger, the values of M are bigger and increase with more air-entraining agent,which make more uniform distribution of aggregates in the mortar. When aggregate-cement'ratio is smaller, the values of M are little and decrease with more air-entraining agent,which introduce pores in the mortar. Meanwhile,the influence of air-entraining agent on the mortar was reacted using binding between aggregate and aggregate.

关 键 词: 保温砂浆 引气剂 结构 模型

领  域: [建筑科学]




作者 张勇
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