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Cost-benefit analysis of construction and demolition waste management based on system dynamics:A case study of Guangzhou

作  者: ; ; ; (郑招土);

机构地区: 广州大学

出  处: 《系统工程理论与实践》 2014年第6期1480-1490,共11页

摘  要: 本文以地处珠三角地区的广州市为例,建立建筑废弃物管理成本-收益分析的一种系统动力学模型,并分别从承包商和社会的角度对建筑废弃物全过程处理的成本与收益进行分析,仿真模拟经济补贴和罚款等正反两种经济措施对承包商和社会的成本收益影响.模拟结果显示:(1)补贴费用的增加对提高承包商和社会的利润都存在边际递减效应;(2)作为政府的有效政策工具,每t再循环废弃物的补贴额大概25元,既可以使社会总利润为正,又可以保证政策的效率;(3)当单位填埋费用为20元/t时,提高单位填埋费用对社会的负面影响将大于其正面影响;当单位填埋费用分别提高至30元/t和40元/t时,社会成本将出现较大幅度的下降,此时的社会总利润随单位填埋费用增加而增加.论文最后提出了现阶段我国政府应当采取"罚、补"相结合的策略,有针对性处理建筑废弃物管理问题.此项研究结论可以为我国转型期的建筑废弃物管理决策提供理论依据和数值参考. Sclccting Guangzhou to conduct a case study,this paper cstablishes a systcm dynamics model on cost-benefit analysis of construction and demolition (C&D)wast management, analyzes both the costs and benefits of dealing with C&D wastc for the overall process on bchalf of the contractors and society, as well as simulates the cffects of economic compensations and listed as following:(1)the marginal effect degression law applies to the relationship betwecn incrcasc of compensatious and profits of the contractors and society;(2)as an effective instrumcnt for govermment policies,25 RMB for each ton of rccirculating demolition as a compensation can insure the efficicncy of policies as keeping total profits of the socicty a positive mmber;(3)when the cost of landfill is 20 RMB per ton,increasing it will cause more negative inffuenees to teh society than positive ones;and if the cost of landfill for each ton will bring the same change to total profits of the society.As a result,this paper comes to the conchusion that it's better for Chinese goverument to adopt the tactics combined with compensation and penalty to confront the challenge of C&D wastc management.And during the transition of C&D waste managcment in China,the conclusion can provide both theoretical foundations and numcrical reference to the strategic decision-making.

关 键 词: 建筑废弃物管理 成本 收益分析 系统动力学模型 经济措施

领  域: [环境科学与工程]


作者 彭文强
作者 齐力
作者 黄婷晖
作者 林仲豪
作者 吴二娇


机构 华南理工大学
机构 华南理工大学工商管理学院
机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学
机构 华南理工大学经济与贸易学院


作者 覃剑
作者 王逢文
作者 崔书琴
作者 吴贤静
作者 吴大磊