机构地区: 广东省国土资源技术中心
出 处: 《测绘地理信息》 2014年第3期82-84,共3页
摘 要: 地理信息公共平台是"数字城市"建设的基础部分,面向政府部门、企业及个人,提供着全方位的地理信息在线服务。云计算作为一种新兴技术,利用其资源动态伸缩,自动监控,分布式存储,使得用户群体自订制IT基础设施资源成为可能。广东省地理信息公共平台通过试验依托云平台组建服务器集群,实现了高可配、高性能,为下一步平台全面使用云计算的升级奠定了基础。 Public GIS Platform is the fundamental part of the "Digital City", which provides comprehensive online geograph- ic information services to government departments, enterprises and individuals. As a novel event, cloud computing drives some technologies like the source dynamic stretching, auto monitor- ing, distributed storaging, client customizing instruction and so on become possible. In this paper, public Guangdong GIS plat- form is implemented in the structure based on cloud computing via servers clusters, thus achieves highly adaption and perfor- mance, which gives valuable experiences for upgrading the platform in future.