机构地区: 北京师范大学
出 处: 《经济管理》 2014年第6期189-198,共10页
摘 要: 提升组织学习能力已经成为我国企业战略管理的核心问题,探讨推动我国企业组织学习的学习型领导的内容及其作用是破解此核心问题的关键。本文的实证研究结果表明:(1)基于有效领导理论的研究模式(Yukl,1999),我国企业学习型领导的结构模型包括服务关怀、鼓励指导、威权监督,这体现了中西方文化的融合;(2)从静态作用来看,学习型领导的"鼓励指导"维度对组织学习的作用最大,"服务关怀"次之,"威权监督"也对组织学习有显著的推动作用;"服务关怀"主要推动开发式学习,而"鼓励指导"主要推动利用式学习;(3)从动态作用来看,在企业发展的初创期,学习型领导的三个维度都起显著的推动作用;在成长期是以"鼓励指导"为主、"服务关怀"为辅的二合一的学习型领导模式;在成熟期和再创新时期,都是以"服务关怀"为主、"鼓励指导"为辅的学习型领导模式。 In China, it is becoming one of the most important factors for the strategy management of Chinese enterprises to improve the level of organizational learning. And it is the key to explore the construct and effectiveness of learning leadership. However, there was limited systematic empirical research directly linking leadership and organizational learning in the literature on organizational learning and leadership. Recently only small empirical studies explored the relationship between leadership and organizational learning, but there are no research to explore the construct of learning leadership and its relationship with organizational learning. The management practices of Chinese enterprises need to know what is learning leadership and how the learning leadership improves organizational leaning in order to improve their organizational core competitiveness.
关 键 词: 学习型领导 组织学习 家长式领导 服务型领导 变革型领导 交易型领导
领 域: [经济管理]