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An Analysis of the Functions of Discourse with the Structure of a Pronoun as an Additional End Based on the Scripts of Home with Kids

作  者: ;

机构地区: 暨南大学文学院

出  处: 《内江师范学院学报》 2014年第5期77-81,共5页

摘  要: 在言语交际中,说话人违反合作原则使听话人迫使自己超越话语的表面意义去领悟话语的隐含意义,即会话含义。人称代词复指格式在已经足量表述话语理性意义的情况下重复使用同指向的人称代词,违反了量准则,我们以此为线索研究该结构的话语功能。语料分析结果显示该结构通常用于口语对话体中,常以反问语气在原有语句信息的基础上表现说话人的某种强烈情感,传达[+否定]、[+出乎意料]、[+不满]、[+强主观性]等情感信息,句末"追加"成分是强烈情感所付托的语言形式,为"情感羡余"。 In verbal communication, the speaker violates the cooperative principle and lets the listener to understand the meaning implied in the utterances, which is known as the conversational implicature. The double referential construction of personal pronoun breaks the quantity maxim by repeating the co-indexed pronoun when it has expressed the adequate amount of information. We can take this as a clue to study the discourse functions of this construction. The analysis of some materials shows that such construction generally is used in speech and expresses speaker's strong emotion with the same information in the form of a rhetorical question. And it usually conveys the information with the features as [+ Negation], [ +Unexpected], [ + Dissatisfied] and [ +Subjective]. And the element attached to the utterance is the form with strong feelings.

关 键 词: 人称代词 复指结构 主观性 情感羡余

领  域: [语言文字]


作者 马燕菁
作者 杨利
作者 张霞晖
作者 李书娴
作者 龚常木


机构 暨南大学文学院
机构 华南师范大学
机构 中山大学人文科学学院中文系
机构 暨南大学
机构 学院


作者 彭川
作者 彭晓春
作者 徐云扬
作者 成海涛
作者 曾小敏