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Investigation and Thinking on the Status of Biological Experiment Teaching in High Schools in East Guangdong

作  者: ; ;

机构地区: 韩山师范学院

出  处: 《教育与教学研究》 2014年第5期110-113,共4页

摘  要: 为深入了解粤东地区中学生物实验教学现状以及新课程实施以来高中生物教学情况,课题组以问卷和访谈等方式对粤东地区57所高中进行了调研。结果显示,粤东地区高中生物教师的年龄构成、职称和学历结构等基本合理,教学用多媒体设备配备较整齐,生物课堂教学正常有序。然而,也存在一些问题。有12%-16%的学校没有实验室或实验仪器、设备配备不足;有24.6%的学校没有专职实验员;实验课开出率不高,有77.6%的学校仅能开出1-5个经典实验;实验方式陈旧、探究性活动少;大多数学校缺少标本或模型;此外,生物教师性别结构失衡,约1/3学校中无男生物教师等。研究表明该地区中学生物实验教学条件不足已经成为新课程改革的瓶颈。建议加大对偏远、农村地区学校教育资金的投入,促进中学生物实验室建设,以保障生物实验教学实施的基本条件;采取多种方式对生物教师和实验员进行课程理念和实验技能培训,以有效开展生物实验;充分利用乡土生物资源优势,因地制宜地开设实验,以培养学生创新能力。 To reveal the status of biological experiment teaching and the implementation of the new curriculum in east Guangdong, this paper makes an investigation of biological experiment teaching of 57 high schools by questionnaires and interviews. The results show that the distribution of age,professional title,and educational background of teachers in these schools are reasonable,that multi- media devices are fully equipped and that classroom teaching of biology is in order. However,there still exist some problems. 12- 16% schools do not have a biological laboratory or have a biological laboratory with insufficient experimental instruments. 24. 6% schools do not have a full- time technician. There are not many experimental courses,and 77. 6% schools can only open 1- 5 classic experiments with old fashioned methods and little exploration. Many schools lack sample or models. In addition,there is an unbalanced sex proportion and about 1 /3 schools do not have male biology teachers. This research shows that experimental teaching condition of biology in the area has become the bottleneck in the reform of New Curriculum. It is necessary to increase the funding for school education in rural areas in order to provide basic conditions for biological experiments,to take a variety of ways of training of curriculum ideas and experimental skills for biological teachers and laboratory technicians in order to effectively carry out the experiment,and to make full use of local advantages of biological resources and take actions that suit local circumstances to develop the innovative ability of the student.

关 键 词: 高中生物 生物实验教学 生物教师 实验员 生物资源 学生创新能力

领  域: [文化科学]


作者 杨英明
作者 徐继林
作者 李嘉倩
作者 梁美兰
作者 何静欣


机构 广州城市职业学院
机构 广州大学
机构 华南师范大学继续教育学院
机构 暨南大学
机构 东莞理工学院


作者 庞菊香
作者 康超
作者 廖燕萍
作者 廖荆梅
作者 张丽娟