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ZHENG Zhen-duo and HU Shi: the Covered Academic Inheritance

作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东第二师范学院

出  处: 《天中学刊》 2014年第2期81-84,共4页

摘  要: 胡适以白话文学研究开一代风气,其研究成果及方法论上的开拓,深刻地影响了五四时期及后代学人。在俗文学研究领域,郑振铎深受胡适影响,却因政治原因而在后来修订其著作时刻意谈化或抹去这些痕迹,使得今人大多只看到郑氏本人的开拓与创造,少有察觉其学术上与胡适的一脉相承。寻找郑振铎与胡适被掩盖的学术关系,是清理学术统系,还原20世纪古代文学学术史本来面目的重要一环。 Studying the vernacular literature, HU Shi opened a new atmosphere, the development on its research results and methodology had a profound impact on the May Fourth Movement and later scholars. In the study of popular literature, ZHENG Zhen-duo deeply influenced by HU Shi, but for political reasons in the later revised his works constantly to desalinate or erase these traces, people only see ZHENG's initiative and creativity, less aware of ZHENG Zhen-duo and HU Shi's Academic inheritance. Researching ZHENG Zhen-duo and HU Shi's academic relationship is a key step to clean up the academic system and display the history of ancient literary in twentieth Century.

关 键 词: 郑振铎 胡适 学术传承

领  域: [文学]


作者 汝炳荣


机构 广东培正学院


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