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Analysis of Meteorological Factors of Heavy Haze in Hubei Province during January,2013

作  者: ; ; ; ; ; ; ; (方思达);

机构地区: 武汉区域气候中心

出  处: 《环境科学与技术》 2014年第5期16-20,共5页

摘  要: 为了研究湖北省大范围霾过程的气象成因,在分析湖北省2013年1月特大霾过程时空分布特征的基础上,运用天气气候分析法,结合Hysplit模式后向轨迹追踪法,从环流背景、天气系统、气象要素、大气层结及污染物轨迹模拟等方面分析了2013年1月特大霾过程的气象学成因及污染物轨迹,结果表明,1月霾出现2段高峰,范围最大时达40站次,其气象成因为北方冷空气处于间歇期,地面的均压场、弱鞍型场导致出现2段持续小风天气。持续的接地逆温配合小风出现静稳天气,导致大范围的霾天气的出现,,在2段霾高峰值出现的前日,均有高强度的接地逆温存在,汉口站极值强度达7.4℃/100 m。同时,降水偏少,而气温日较差又较大也是霾出现的原因,对武汉江夏站污染物来向追踪表明,其主要来源为北部区域,在近地层多沿长江河谷倒灌输入。 Based on the information of spatial and temporal distributions of heavy haze process of Hubei during January, 2013, this paper intended to analyze the cause of haze formation in terms of meteorology and the pollutant trajectories using the method of weather climate analysis and Hysplit model in view of the factors such as circulation background, weather system, meteorological elements, the stability of atmosphere and simulative pollutant trajectory. According to the analysis, there were two peaks in the haze process, and as many as 40 climate observing stations had reported haze during the period from 7th to 10th of January. Regarding the cause of haze formation, the analysis suggested that haze formed just in the month when gentle north cold air blew intermittently, and there existed a uniform pressure field with weak saddle pattern, thus leading to two-period of gentle wind speed and persistent temperature inversion in the near-surface layer; and high-intensity temperature inversion existed in the near-surface layer persistently the days before two-peak haze appeared, i.e. the intensity of temperature inversion, observed at the Hankou station, reached to 7.4 ℃/100 m. In addition, less precipitation and relatively higher daily temperature also promoted the existence of heavy haze. According to the Jiangxia station, the pollutant trajectories investigation indicated that the main pollutants causing haze came from the north of China, reaching Hubei Province along the Yangtze River valley through the surface layer.

关 键 词: 气象成因 均压场 模型

领  域: [环境科学与工程]


作者 姚佳妮


机构 汕头职业技术学院


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