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Establishment and Verification of Tri-axial Accelerometer (GT3X) Predictive Equation on Monitoring Physical Activity Energy Expenditure in Adolescent Youth ( 11 --- 14 year-old)

作  者: ; ;

机构地区: 教育部

出  处: 《中国体育科技》 2014年第3期73-77,共5页

摘  要: 研究目的:针对青春期少年建立基于走跑与非走跑运动为基础的三轴运动加速计能耗预测方程。研究方法:80名11~14岁初中生(每岁20人,男、女各半)按性别、年龄分成实验组(60人)和验证组(20人),同步佩戴CosmedK4b。和ActiGraphGT3X对受试者进行8种常见身体活动测试。采用逐步回归方法,通过实验组建立以K4b2实测能耗值为因变量,以A巴。、Aes2、A氏。、Ⅵ喝、年龄、性另q、身高、体重等为自变量,建立回归方程。将身体活动分为走跑类、走跑跳类、不规则活动类、日常活动类4种类型,通过验证组对所建方程进行验证;绝对误差和相对误差率用于验证方程预测准确性;Bland-Altman图用于确定系统偏差。结果:所建方程Y(kcal/min)=-1.471+0.10440×体重(k)+6.15209E-4×VMs(counts/m_in);R2=0.693,SEE一0.82,DW:1.734;F检验P〈0.001,说明自变量与因变量存在线性关系;自变量回归系数t检验P〈0.05,说明回归系数有意义;DW值表明误差项独立,回归模型可靠。对于四类活动,方程预测绝对误差为0.58~0.63kcal/min,相对误差率为9.14%~11.81%;95%的残差均落在Bland—Altman散点图±2∞区间内,表明方程有较好的预测能力。结论:所建能耗预测方程有效,可有效监测青春期少年不同活动类型的能耗。 Objective : This paper aimed to establish Tri-axial accelerometer (GT3X) energy ex- pedition (EE) predictive equation based on walk-run and non-walk-run physical activities (PA) of adolescent youth. Methods.. 80 junior middle school students aged 11 ~ 14 yr (20 per year; boys and girls each half) were divided randomly experimental group (n= 60) and control group (n= 20) according to gender and age, and all subjects wearied synchronously portable metabolism analyze (Cosmed K4bz) and triaxial acceleration (ActiGraph GT3X) to finish the eight common physical activities. The data of experimental group were used to establish the multiply regression equation by stepwise regression analysis, the dependent variable was the ac- tual energy consumption measured value by K4 bz and the independent variable was the index such as ACxis1 , ACxis2, ACxis3, VM3, Age, Gender, Height, Weight. The data of control group were used to verify validity of equation in monitoring different physical activity types (walk- run activity type, walk-run-jump activity type, irregular activity type, daily common activity type). The accuracy of predictive equation was tested by absolute error and relative error rate and the systematic error was measured by Bland-Altman plot. Results: The study showed the predictive equation was Y ( kcal / min ) = -- 1.471 + 0.10440 × W (kg) + 6.15209 E-- 4 × VM3 (counts/min) (R2= 0.693, SEE = 0.82, DW = 1.734 ) and F test ( P 〈 0.001 ) displayed a linear correlation between dependent variable and independent variable. The regression coeffi- cient t test (P〈0.05) of independent variable instructed regression coefficient was statistical- ly significant and DW (Durbin-Watson) value indicated that error term was independent and the regression model was reliable. Absolute prediction error of equation for all the four activity types was 0.58~0. 63 kcal/min and relative error rate was 9. 14% ~ 11.81%. Bland-Alt- man plot displayed the 95 % equat

关 键 词: 青春期少年 三轴运动加速计 身体活动 能耗 预测方程

领  域: [文化科学] [文化科学]


作者 唐巍
作者 毕进杰
作者 彭捷
作者 卢博科
作者 梁萍萍


机构 华南理工大学
机构 广东工业大学华立学院
机构 广东建设职业技术学院
机构 广东第二师范学院
机构 广州体育学院休闲体育与管理系


作者 庞菊香
作者 康超
作者 廖燕萍
作者 廖荆梅
作者 张丽娟