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Growth Characteristics and Coherence Analysis Among Traits Involved in Growth of Zamioculcas zamiifolia(Lodd.) Engl

作  者: ; ; ;

机构地区: 广东省农业科学院

出  处: 《热带作物学报》 2014年第4期649-654,共6页

摘  要: 金钱树(Zamioculcaszamiifolia)是栽培规模和应用最多的新优观叶植物之一。以1-3年生植株为材料.系统研究其生长特性。分析影响生长的性状间的相互关系。金钱树由地上部粗大羽状复叶、地下膨大块状结构和根系构成;复叶的生长呈S型曲线,完成需81~113d,可分为萌芽期、复叶伸长期和成熟期;具肉质肥大地下块茎,含水量高达96%以上.是重要的贮水和繁殖器官。生长性状相关与回归分析表明地上部鲜重与叶柄径粗、小叶厚、新芽数、块茎重等的性状均达到极显著相关;地上、地下两部分生长的负相关性达到极显著水平,两者具有相互消长的关系;小叶厚度反映生长充实程度,强烈地影响地上部鲜重、新芽形成等生长性状。 Zamioculcas zamiifolia(ZZ) is one of the new excellent foliage plants with the largest-scale growing and indoor use in China recent 10 years. Few studies on its growth characteristics have been reported. The growth characteristics, coherence analysis among the main growth traits were studied using 1 to 3- year old plants as the test materials. The plant has thick and large pinnate above ground, large number of big roots and stout tuber structure underground. The plant produces new pinnate for 2-3 times around the year in subtropical area. The pinnate grows as the S-shaped curve which could be divided into three growth stages of bud development and sprout, pinnate stretching and leaflet maturity. The span of pinnate growth was from 81 to 113 d. The underground tubers containing up to 96% water is an important water storage and propagation organ. Coherence and regression analysis of growth traits showed that a positive correlation existed between pinnate axis diameter, leaflet thickness, new shoot number, tuber fresh weight and shoot fresh weight. A very significant negative correlation between aerial shoot fresh weight and rhizome fresh weight reflected the contrasting relationship of both in growth. The leaflet thickness which is an indicator of growth fullness affected strongly shoot fresh weight, shoot formation and other growth traits.

关 键 词: 观叶植物 天南星科 生长 相关性

领  域: [农业科学] [农业科学]




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