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Preliminary study on epidemic patterns and forecast techniques of southern rice black-streaked dwarf disease

作  者: ; ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 全国农业技术推广服务中心

出  处: 《中国植保导刊》 2014年第4期47-52,共6页

摘  要: 南方水稻黑条矮缩病自2001年首次在中国发现后,已发展成为中国水稻生产中重要的病毒病害。2009年以来的发病情况表明,其在全国的发病范围总体呈扩展趋势,表现为南方重于北方、中晚稻重于早稻、杂交稻重于常规稻、籼稻重于粳稻等特点。在发生时空分布上,华南稻区属早发毒源区,完成前期毒源积累;江南稻区为常发、重发区;西南南部低热河谷稻区毒源可以越冬,局部发病严重;长江中、下游稻区为波及区,病害仅在重发年份才比较严重;江淮稻区为零星分布区,一般年份难查见。笔者在研究总结近年来病害流行分布现状和特点的基础上,阐明了其在中国南方和越南中北部通过白背飞虱远距离迁飞扩散完成毒源越冬存续、侵染发病、传毒扩散、跨境跨区传播等大区传播危害规律。 Southern rice black-streaked dwarf disease (SRBSDD) had become one of the most important rice virus dis- eases in China since its first discovery in 2001. Based on occurring data of the disease from 2009, occurrence ranges of SRBSDD extended generally with characteristics of occurring more serious in the south than that in the north, on middle- late rice than that on early rice, and on hybrid or indica-type rice than that on common or japonica-type rice. The disease occulted and accumulated early in south China rice area of virus source. Southern area of the Yangtze plain was a heavy epidemic zone, low and hot valley of the southwest was the virus source region where the disease occurred seriously and locally, and the disease occurred seriously in middle-lower Yangtze plain just in serious years and can be found occasion- ally in regions between Yangtze River and Huai River. Based on research and summarizing of epidemic patterns and char- acteristics, patterns of overwintering, infecting and occurring, transmitting and spreading between regions via WBPH long- distance migratory in south China and central and north Vietnam were reviewed in the paper.

关 键 词: 南方水稻黑条矮缩病 流行现状 发生分布 流行规律

领  域: [农业科学] [农业科学]




作者 李振义
作者 吴晨
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