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Fetish,Mourning and Home-country Fable——Diaspora Poetics of Huang Jinshu’s “The Fish Skeleton”

作  者: ;

机构地区: 暨南大学文学院

出  处: 《华文文学》 2014年第2期101-106,共6页

摘  要: 黄锦树是马华文学新生代的代表人物,他创作于1995年的短篇小说《鱼骸》是其写作生涯中具有里程碑式的作品。《鱼骸》用浑厚沉郁的文字风格,讲述了一个旅台马华学者的现实境况与往事追忆,对离散华人的原乡想象与身份认同问题进行了深入的考察。《鱼骸》全篇散发着热带的气息与神秘的中国氛围,故事怪诞且意象充盈,将文化政治寓于美学的经营之中,在表面的情节背后潜藏着浓郁的象征意味,构成了独特的“离散诗学”。而《鱼骸》表述中的种种暧昧与悖论也是黄锦树自己的困惑与危机。 Huang Jinshu is a representative figure of the new generation in Malaysian Chinese literature. His 1995 short story "The Fish Skeleton" is a milestone in his writing career. With depressed style of writing, "The Fish Skeleton" tells about the present situation and the reminiscence of a Malaysian Chinese scholar in Taiwan, and explores thoroughly the hometown imagination and identity problems of diaspora Chinese. With its bizarre stories and images, the story demonstrates a tropical flavor and a mysterious Chinese atmosphere. It implies cultural politics in aesthetics and rich symbolic meaning under the plot on the surface, and it constitutes a unique diaspora poetics. However, the various ambiguities and paradoxes in the story betray Huang Jinshu' s own confusions and crisis.

关 键 词: 黄锦树 鱼骸 家国寓言 离散诗学

领  域: [文学]


作者 汪荣
作者 姜晓红


机构 广东机电职业技术学院
机构 广州体育学院体育新闻与传播系
机构 暨南大学文学院
机构 暨南大学文学院中国语言文学系


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