作 者: ;
机构地区: 合肥工业大学图书馆
出 处: 《信息资源管理学报》 2014年第1期84-92,共9页
摘 要: 借助统计分析软件(SPSS、Ucinet)以及科学知识图谱可视化软件(CiteSpaceⅡ、Sci 2),对CNKI中被中国人文社会科学引文数据库收录的1045篇信息素养研究论文进行统计分析。综合考虑突现值、频次后找出核心关键词并绘制时序图谱,从共词分析的维度采取多元分析和聚类分析法等手段,绘制出信息素养研究的聚类图、多维尺度图谱,经分析后得出其六大主要研究方向,并结合共词分析与社会网络分析法绘制共现网络知识图谱与策略坐标图,从而更深入的揭示研究领域架构的内部关联及属性特征。 A sample set of 1045 papers on the research field of information literacy included in Chinese Humanities and Social Science Citation Database was analyzed with the statistical analysis software (SPSS, Ucinet) as well as scientific visualization software ~CiteSpace Ⅱ,Sci^2 ). This paper took the co-word analysis method to ana- lyze high frequency keywords, and used technologies of burst detection,multivariate analysis and social network a- nalysis to draw the temporal graph, clustering graph ,multidimensional scaling map, network knowledge map, and strategic diagram. Six important research areas of information literacy were revealed by the consistency between clustering analysis and multidimensional scaling analysis results, and figured out relations and features of subject ar- eas by interpreting the network knowledge map and strategic diagram.
关 键 词: 信息素养 时序分析 聚类分析 多维尺度分析 战略坐标图
领 域: [文化科学]