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The Local Opera in Anshun: A Case of the Intellectual Property of Intangible Cultural Heritage in China

作  者: ;

机构地区: 中南民族大学法学院

出  处: 《文化遗产》 2014年第2期84-97,158,共14页

摘  要: "非遗第一案"终审已两周年,但民族民间文艺类非物质文化遗产知识产权保护的实质问题仍然没有取得进展。从该案来看,当事人、法官以及学者对安顺地戏的法律性质、知识产权权益结构、适用现行法保护安顺地戏知识产权权益的空间与困难以及所需制度创新等问题,均缺乏深层次认识。在上述案例中,安顺地戏实质是指安顺地戏中的两个剧目,属于民间文学艺术作品,但应区分为创造性版本和模仿性版本;其知识产权权益结构可以区分为积极权益与消极权益、精神权益与经济权益,本案讼争的署名权和反对歪曲权实际上是保护作品完整权,属于精神权益的范畴;在现行法适用方面,非物质文化遗产法律和著作权法,可以为安顺地戏知识产权保护提供一定的空间,但存在诸多困难。只有通过制度创新,制定"民族民间文艺特别著作权保护条例",才是解决民族民间文艺知识产权保护问题的根本出路。 The First Case of Intangible Cultural Heritage in China has been ended for two years,but the essenital problems in the intellectual property protection of expressions of folklore have not yet been resolved. From the point of this case,parties involved,judges and scholars cannot truly understand the nature and intellectual property of the local opera in Anshun,the space and difficulties to protect its intellectual property by existing law,and the institutional innovation needed,and so on. The local opera in Anshun are the works of expressions of folklore,distinguished into creative types and imitative types. Its intellectual property should include positive and negative rights and interests,spiritual and property rights and interests. Actually,the right of authorship and of anti- distortion disputed in this lawsuit,is equivalent to the right of keeping integrity of works,which belong to spiritual rights and interests. Under the existing law,intangible cultural heritage and the copyright' s law can protect the intellectual property of the local opera in Anshun in some degree,although there are still many difficulties. Only drawing up the regulation of copyright of the expressions of folklore,can better protect the intellectual property.

关 键 词: 民族民间文艺 知识产权 安顺地戏 著作权

领  域: [文化科学]


作者 彭心怡
作者 严永和
作者 王少安
作者 冯心明
作者 马晟


机构 中山大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 华南理工大学法学院


作者 庞菊香
作者 康超
作者 廖燕萍
作者 廖荆梅
作者 张丽娟