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Early Diagnosis and Prediction of Crop Injury Caused by Residual Quinclorac: Urgent Research Agendas in Southern China

作  者: ; ; ;

机构地区: 广东省农业科学院

出  处: 《杂草科学》 2014年第1期96-100,共5页

摘  要: 除草剂残留药害严重威胁南方稻-菜高效轮作生产模式,其早期诊断和预警成为亟待解决的难题。二氯喹啉酸(3,7-二氯-8-喹啉羧酸)是华南稻田最常用的除草剂之一,其残留药害具有很高的潜伏性,轻则使农产品品质下降和减产,重则导致绝收。常规形态学诊断的方法无法对二氯喹啉酸土壤残留药害有效进行早期诊断和预警,且容易误诊;而通过土壤含量检测进行药害诊断,操作复杂,成本高而难以推广。因而,在明确植物对二氯喹啉酸敏感性的机制和相关检测指标的基础上,建立二氯喹啉酸残留药害量化分级指标系统,并定量研究各药害等级所对应的作物生产损失风险评估技术亟待研究解决。 Crop injury caused by residual herbicides in soil seriously threatens rice -vegetable rotation in southern China , and thus its early diagnosis and prediction become urgent research agendas .Quinclorac(3,7-dichloro-quinoline-car-boxylic acid ) is one of the most commonly used herbicides in rice fields in southern China .Quinclorac is a persistent her-bicide whose residues in soil may cause crop injury resulting in serious declines in crop quality and yield .Ordinary mor-phological methods are not effective for early diagnosis and prediction of crop injury caused by quinclorac residues ,and may even result in misdiagnosis.Detection by soil analysis is not practical and economic for farmers .Additionally,the relationship between quinclorac soil content and crop injury is influenced by many factors which could be very complicated.Therefore it is urgent to find an model that could be employed to quantitatively assess crop injury caused by quinclorac residues with a series of key indicators ,based on clearly knowing how plant species differ in their sensitivity to quinclorac and the related indices .

关 键 词: 二氯喹啉酸 残留药害 早期诊断 指标 敏感性

领  域: [农业科学] [农业科学]


作者 江信文
作者 赵永华
作者 曾小翠
作者 桂逸
作者 田杰


机构 华南理工大学
机构 华南理工大学工商管理学院
机构 暨南大学
机构 华南师范大学经济与管理学院
机构 中山大学


作者 李振义
作者 吴晨
作者 张琳
作者 丁培强
作者 吴肖林