作 者: ;
机构地区: 电子科技大学中山学院
出 处: 《焦作大学学报》 2014年第1期54-57,共4页
摘 要: 歌舞伎是日本古典戏剧之一,现在去剧场看歌舞伎表演的人越来越少。它的内容、它的表演形式已经游离民众的生活太远,很难引起大众共鸣。但是这样的歌舞伎也曾经是深受大众喜爱的、纯粹的庶民娱乐。文章从歌舞伎发展的历史、支持歌舞伎的团体、幕府对于歌舞伎的无情压制这些事实来还原真实的歌舞伎,揭示歌舞伎的庶民性。 Kabuki was the first dramatic entertainment of any importance that was designed for the tastes of the common people in Japan, but now because it is too far away from people's daily life in terms of content or performing style, it is gradually losing appeal to common people. However, this cannot deny that Kabuki was an art originating from a form of entertainment for the common people. This paper attempts to reveal the plebeian origins of Kabuki by exploring its history, its supporting power and the ruthless suppression enforced on it during the Shogunate.
领 域: [文学]