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How Travel Service Dishonesty Affects Customer Trust: The Role of Psychological Contract Violation and Corporate Reputation

作  者: ; ; ;

机构地区: 华南农业大学人文与法学学院

出  处: 《旅游学刊》 2014年第4期55-68,共14页

摘  要: 服务诚信问题是旅游业中备受关注的一个现实问题。已有研究从企业层面分析了旅行社整体诚信度对顾客与企业关系的影响,但对于单次服务中不诚信行为如何影响顾客信任,尚缺乏深入的探讨。文章试图用心理契约违背理论来分析服务不诚信行为对顾客信任的影响过程,同时考虑企业声誉在其中的作用。在访谈研究的基础上,文章通过情景实验法来检验研究假设。实验结果表明,服务不诚信行为不仅导致顾客对旅游服务的期望未被满足,也让顾客感觉自己遭到背叛,因而造成顾客对企业的信任感降低。企业声誉在顾客信任违背过程中发挥着双面效应,既有缓冲的作用,也有激化的作用。但总的来说,在高声誉条件下,不诚信行为严重程度越高所造成的顾客负面反应变化幅度更大。 Business integrity in services relating to the travel industry is of significant concern in China. Deceitful behaviour within the industry, such as employing inadequately trained guides and changing travel itineraries without approval, constitutes over half of the domestic tourist complaints. Such improper behavior has placed the integrity of travel agents into question, and has resulted in a loss of public trust in the entire industry. Previous research has investigated how overall corporate integrity affects customer trust ; however, few studies have focused on the influence of integrity issues in the service delivery. This study uses psychological contract violation theories to explain how integrity issues in service delivery affect customer trust, and investigates the effects on corporate reputation. This study proposed customer perceived unmet expectations and perceived betrayal as mediators to investigate customer reactions to integrity issues as a process of integrity - based trust violation. In the first study stage, a small sample of customer interviews was conducted among those who had experienced integrity issues in travel services, providing primary evidence that supported the hypothesis. Subsequently, a 2 x 2 scenario - based experiment was undertaken using the severity of the integrity issue (high vs. low) and corporate reputation (high vs. low) as between - subjects factors. In the main experiment, 120 domestic passengers in Guangzhou Baiyun airport, Guangdong Province, China were recruited for compensation of 3 RMB and were randomly assigned to one of the four cells. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) on manipulation checks of the severity of integrity issue and corporate reputation indicate results consistent with expectations. Respondents in the high severity condition have a significantly higher perception of the severity of integrity issue than do those in a low condition (4.58 vs. 5.58,p〈0.001 ), while there is no difference in perceptions between the groups on corporate reputatio

关 键 词: 诚信 信任 信任违背 心理契约 企业声誉

领  域: [经济管理] [经济管理]


作者 谢礼珊
作者 彭家敏
作者 黄永哲
作者 彭雷清
作者 陈有志


机构 华南理工大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 华南理工大学工商管理学院
机构 中山大学
机构 华南农业大学经济管理学院


作者 廖刚
作者 张为
作者 张丽丽
作者 张丽娟
作者 张丽娟