作 者: ;
机构地区: 嘉应学院文学院
出 处: 《嘉应学院学报》 2014年第1期10-15,共6页
摘 要: 家文化研究方兴未艾,客家学的构建愈加受到重视,研究者应该用科学的方法、观点进行系统的研究。多角度、宽领域、深层次地探索其历史与源流、现状与未来的发展规律。通过对客家学的研究与构建作了有的放矢的回顾,分析其存在的困境,并提出了前瞻性的思考:客家学的建构应该作整体性的规划,客家文学的研究与构建必须得到进一步重视与加强。这既是为了构建客家学的需要,也是为了民族文化传承的需要。 The study of Hakka studies attracts more attention. And the Hakka studies researchers should use the scientific method and system research, to deeply explore the history and origin, status and development of the future from multi angle and wide range. This paper analyzes, the existing problems, and puts forward thoughtful ideas. The study of Hakka research construction should be based on overall planning, and Hakka literature research and construction must be made further. This is not only for the need to construct Hakka studies, but also for the need of national cultural heritage.
关 键 词: 客家学 构建 回顾与前瞻 客籍作家文学 客家民间文学
领 域: [文学]