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Land application of steam exploded sludge and the sludge compound fertilizer

作  者: ; (王斌); (等);

机构地区: 南京农业大学资源与环境科学学院

出  处: 《环境科学学报》 2001年第1期95-100,共6页

摘  要: 采用室内分析和田间生物试验 ,研究了热喷处理污泥及其复混肥的养分供应能力及它们在农地上施用对土壤肥力、青菜产量及其品质的影响 .结果表明 :热喷处理能有效杀灭污泥中病原物 ,除臭 ,并可使污泥中水溶性有机碳和速效氮磷含量分别提高 87% ,19%和 35 % .施用热喷污泥制成的复混肥不但比等养分的无机复合肥多增产 38% ,而且青菜体内Vc和水溶性总糖等营养品质也有明显的提高 .NO-3 却只有无机复合肥处理的一半左右 .污泥经热喷处理有利于提高污泥中养分的生物有效性 ,特别是热喷污泥制成的复混肥氮磷养分利用率显著高于无机复合肥 .施用污泥和污泥复混肥还能提高土壤肥力 .比单纯大量施用污泥要安全得多 ,土地使用年限可延长 Sewage sludge was pretreated by steam explosion and then developed into the organo inorganic compound fertilizer through incorporating with a given amount of chemical fertilizers. The field experiment was conducted to assess the effect of pretreated sludge and the compound fertilizer on the no heading Chinese cabbage yield,soil fertility and nutrient bioavailability. The process of steam explosion can eliminate pathogen and disgusted odor in sewage sludge within a relative short time. The loss of total organic C, N and P of sewage sludge is negligible by steam\|exploded treatment, but the dissolved organic C, available N and P in the pretreated sludge can be increased significantly by 87%, 19% and 35%, respectively. Compared to inorganic compound fertilizer on basis of equal nutrient input, the application of the sludge compound fertilizer elevated vegetable yield by 38%, the bioavailablity of N and P and reduced nitrate content in plant by about 50%. The higher concentration of Vc and total sugar in the plants grown in the plots amended with sludge, pretreated sludge, and sludge compound fertilizer were also observed in this study.

关 键 词: 复混肥 养分效率 生物效应 热喷处理方法

领  域: [环境科学与工程] [农业科学] [农业科学]




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