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Optimal Scheduling of Urban Mobile Emergency Power Sources

作  者: ; ; ; ; (薛禹胜);

机构地区: 浙江大学电气工程学院

出  处: 《电力系统自动化》 2014年第3期123-129,共7页

摘  要: 建设电力应急管理平台、建立和完善电力应急服务机制对提升电力系统应急保障能力意义重大。与此相关的一个重要问题是如何合理调度现有的移动应急电源,以提高城市电力系统应急处理能力进而最大限度地降低停电损失。现有电力应急方面的研究多侧重于应急指标体系的构建和应急平台的建设,而对于城市移动应急电源的优化调度研究还未涉及。在此背景下,构造了城市移动应急电源的双目标优化调度模型,以各失电用户总停电损失之和最小为主目标,以移动应急电源的富余容量最小为次目标。之后,针对该模型包含了非线性的最大值函数和符号函数而难以求解的问题,通过引入0-1变量等措施将原模型转化为混合整数线性规划问题,并提出了一种基于分层序列法的求解方法。最后,用算例说明了所提出模型和方法的基本特征。 Developing apower emergency service management platform,and establishing as well as perfecting the power emergency mechanism is of great significance to enhancing the emergency supporting capability of a power system.A rational scheduling of existing mobile emergency power sources plays an important role in minimizing the outage costs of important customers and improving the capability of handling unforeseen power outage.Most of the existing research work on power emergency service focuses on the establishment of an emergency evaluation index system and the development of an emergency management platform.Up to now,the optimal scheduling problem of urban mobile emergency power sources has not yet been systematically addressed.Given this background,a bi-objective optimal scheduling model of urban mobile emergency power sources is developed for the first time.First,the scheduling model is mainly formulated as one with two objectives,the minimization of the total outage costs of all important consumers concerned and the minimization of the surplus of mobile emergency power sources.In this optimization model,the maximum function and sign function are respectively included in the objective function and the constraint set,which make the optimization problem very difficult to solve.In order to efficiently solve this problem,two 0-1 variables are introduced to transform this optimization model into a mixed integer linear programming problem which is easier to solve.Then,a solving method based on the delamination sequence method is proposed.Finally,a sample example is taken for demonstrating the feasibility and efficiency of the optimization model and solving algorithm developed.

关 键 词: 移动应急电源 优化调度 停电损失 混合整数规划

领  域: [电气工程]


作者 罗承宁
作者 梁子安
作者 李宝苏
作者 杨广
作者 苏淑君


机构 暨南大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 中山大学
机构 广州大学


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作者 刘洋
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