机构地区: 华中科技大学建筑与城市规划学院
出 处: 《城市问题》 2014年第2期49-55,共7页
摘 要: 陷入"PPE怪圈"①的欠发达山区县市已成为中部各省区域整体城镇化水平提高和城乡二元结构壁垒破除的短板。以麻城市为例,分析了县域城镇化现有问题及其成因,认为麻城市面临人地关系紧张、园区依赖惯性、智力因子流失及生境保护短视等问题,其根源是被动城镇化模式下"贫困恶性循环"规律的多维表现。提出了提升欠发达山区县市竞争力以实现健康城镇化的四大策略。研究结论可根据中部欠发达山区的共性特征给予推广,并为占据中部三分之二土地面积的山区县市健康城镇化路径模式的探索奠定一定的理论和实证基础。 The underdeveloped counties of mountainous areas in the province - wide of central China which have been stricken by “PPE” phenomenon have seriously affected the ur- banization level improving and the gulf closing between urban and rural areas. This essay takes Macheng as the example analy- zing the existing problems and the cause of formation. The con- clusion is divided into three parts as bellow. Macheng confronts with problems including the shortage of land resource, conven- tional thinking of industrial park, the brain drain and problems of the ecological environment, which are caused by the passive urbanization model. Four sustainable strategies are presented to strengthen the competitiveness of the mountainous underdevel- oped counties. As a typical county of the study samples, the conclusion of this essay has great theoretical value and realistic meaning for exploring the sustainable path of county - urbaniza- tion.
领 域: [经济管理]