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Coagulation Performance of Freshly-formed Ferric Composite Coagulant

作  者: ; ; ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 同济大学环境科学与工程学院

出  处: 《环境科学与技术》 2013年第12期139-143,共5页

摘  要: 在以H2O2氧化Fe(Ⅱ)制得新生态铁的基础上,通过加入一定量的铝盐或聚合季铵盐进行复合改性,得到基于新生态铁的复合混凝剂。利用杯罐实验考察了不同复配比的新生态复配铁铝混凝剂和聚合季铵盐-新生态铁复合混凝剂对松花江水的浊度、色度以及TOC的去除效果,并在不同的混凝剂剂量下与单纯新生态铁或聚合氯化铝的混凝效果对比。实验结果表明:在不同的混凝剂剂量下新生态复配铁铝均可提高新生态铁对浊度、色度的去除效果,且在较低混凝剂剂量下,复配铝含量越高,对浊度和色度的去除效果越好;在剂量小于0.20 mmol/L时,新生态铁及新生态复配铁铝对浊度的去除效果均低于聚合氯化铝,但当剂量达到0.20 mmol/L及以上时,各混凝剂对浊度的去除效果相当;新生态铁对TOC的去除效果要优于新生态复配铁铝;在剂量低于0.10 mmol/L时,各新生态复配铁铝对TOC的去除效果次于聚合氯化铝,但当剂量在0.10 mmol/L以上时,随着剂量的增大,其去除效果逐渐赶超聚合氯化铝,且混凝沉后水残余铝含量低于聚合氯化铝。聚合季铵盐-复合新生态铁也可提高新生态铁对浊度、色度的去除效果,还可使混凝后残余铁含量大幅降低。聚合季铵盐-新生态铁在剂量6 mg/L时,沉后水浊度即可达到5 NTU以下,而单纯新生态铁在12 mg/L时,沉后水浊度才达到5 NTU以下。基于新生态铁的复合混凝剂与单纯新生态铁或聚合氯化铝相比,可以提高对浊度、色度或有机物的去除效果并降低沉后残余金属含量,因此是一种较有研究价值和开发前景的混凝剂。 Th freshly-formed ferric produced by oxidizing Fe( Ⅱ ) with H202 was modified by adding certain amount of aluminum salts or polymeric quaternary ammonium salts to synthesize the composite coagulants. The removal efficiency of turbidity ,color and total organic carbon of different complex ratios of freshly-formed composite ferric aluminum salt and freshly-formed poly-ammonium ferric salt based on freshly-formed ferric were investigated through jar tests with Songhua River water, and with freshly-formed ferric coagulant and poly-aluminum chloride (PAC) as contrasts at different coagulant dosages. Results showed that freshly-formed composite ferric aluminum salt showed better performance in removing turbidity and color than freshly-formed ferric, and the removal efficiency of turbidity and color got better with higher A1/Fe ratio at low coagulant dosage. When coagulant dosage was less than 0.20 mmol/L,~e removal of turbidity by either freshly- formed composite ferric aluminum salt or freshly-formed ferric was lower than that by PAC. But it became similar for these three kinds of coagulants when coagulant dosage exceeded 0.20 mmol/L. The removal efficiency of TOC of freshly-formed ferric was superior to freshly-formed composite ferric aluminum salt. When coagulant dosage was below 0.10 mmol/L,the removal efficiency of TOC by PAC was better than all complex ratio freshly-formed composite ferric aluminum salt. However, when coagulant dosage was over 0.10 mmol/L, the situation was reversed with increasing coagulant dosage. Furthermore, the residual aluminum after treatment of freshly-formed composite ferric aluminum salt was also less than PAC.Freshly-formed poly-ammoninm ferric salt was superior to the freshly-formed ferric coagulant in removing turbidity and color as well as reducing the residual concentration of iron. When freshly-formed poly-ammonium ferric salt dosage was at 6 mg/L, the residual turbidity after treatment could be lower 5 NTU. However,to obtain the same efficiency,freshly-formed ferric dos

关 键 词: 新生态铁 复合 残余铝 聚合季铵盐

领  域: [环境科学与工程]


作者 郭峰
作者 林永昌
作者 兰芳
作者 郑琳琳
作者 钟芸芳


机构 华南理工大学
机构 中山大学
机构 中山大学人文科学学院历史系
机构 中山大学化学与化学工程学院化学系
机构 华南农业大学经济管理学院


作者 覃剑
作者 王逢文
作者 崔书琴
作者 吴贤静
作者 吴大磊