机构地区: 中国科学院地球化学研究所
出 处: 《极地研究》 2013年第4期369-377,共9页
摘 要: 对99块南极格罗夫山陨石的研究表明这些陨石分别属于普通球粒陨石H群、L群、LL群,橄辉无球粒陨石和碳质球粒陨石。其中普通球粒陨石H3为1块,H4为23块,H5为9块,H6为8块,L4为2块,L5为21块,L6为31块,LL4和LL6各为1块。GRV 022888为橄榄石-易变辉石无球粒陨石,GRV 023159是1块CV3碳质球粒陨石。这些陨石的冲击程度普遍较高,冲击程度为S4的普通球粒陨石有15块,GRV 023138中出现了冲击熔融现象,该陨石的冲击程度为S5,这些样品为研究小行星早期的冲击作用提供了很好的素材。此外,这些陨石的风化程度普遍较低,风化程度为W1的陨石为75块,未见风化程度高于W4的陨石。 The study of 99 meteorites that were collected from the Grove Mountains , Antarctica , indicates that these me-teorites belong to ordinary chondrite groups H , L, and LL, Ureilite and carbonaceous chondrite .Among these me-teorites, 97 are ordinary chondrites, including 1 H3, 23 H4, 9 H5, 8 H6, 2 L4, 21 L5, 31 L6, 1 LL4 and 1 LL6 .Two other meteorites are olivine-pigeonite ureilite ( GRV 022888 ) and CV3 carbonaceous chondrite ( GRV 023159 ) .Some of these meteorites experienced a high degree shock , and in fact 16 members were heavily shocked samples (15 S4 and 1 S5).These heavily shocked meteorites are favorable samples for the study of early shock his-tory of asteroids .The weathering degree of these meteorites is slight , and shock effects are shown in all types but the S6 .These meteorites experienced only weak weathering .
关 键 词: 格罗夫山 南极陨石 普通球粒陨石 橄辉无球粒陨石
领 域: [天文地球]