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Obtaining of One Early-Generation Stable Line in Brassica napus

作  者: ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 成都市农林科学院

出  处: 《西南农业学报》 2013年第6期2208-2213,共6页

摘  要: 本研究利用地方白菜型品种资源’雅安黄油菜’(YH)与常规甘蓝型油菜进行种间杂交,以期改变甘蓝型油菜的遗传特性,获得特殊的油菜育种资源。为获得正常的甘白杂交后代,通过对F1代种子在培养基上利用秋水仙素进行加倍处理,获得了染色体数目在40~58条不等的混倍体植株,混倍体植株在染色体数目、植株形态、花器官、生殖器官上都明显区别与非加倍杂交植株,并利用加倍提高了甘白杂交F1的自交结实率,在F3代中获得了遗传稳定的早代稳定系。对早代稳定系进行细胞学、形态学、SSR分子标记鉴定。确定早代稳定系遗传稳定,获得早代稳定系的方法为油菜种间杂交或远缘杂交提供了新的途径。通过对早代稳定系的细胞学、形态学、分子标记鉴定,早代稳定系是甘白杂交后代,并且在F3代已表现遗传稳定,说明油菜中也存在早代稳定现象。其遗传及形成机制还有待进一步研究。 The local variety YH( Ya' an yellow cabbage) ( B. campestris L. ) was crossed with the conventional oilseed rape ( Brassica napus L. ) to create new rapeseed resources in this study. The hybrids F1 were treated with colchicine in the medium for improving the rate of seed setting. The mixoploidy plants with different chromosome number of 40 -58 were obtained finally. There were obvious differences between the mixoploidy plants and the hybrids without doubling, such as chromosome numbers, plant morphologies, flower organs, reproductive or- gans and so on. The results showed that the seed setting rate of F1 selling improved a lot. Surprisingly, an Early-Generation stable line was identified by the cytology, morphology and SSR markers in F3 generation. The way getting Early-Generation stable lines in this study supplied a new method to obtain stable lines as early as possible in interspecific hybrid and out crossing. However, the further research should be done to make it clear about the genetic mechanisms of the Early-Generation stable lines in rapeseed.

关 键 词: 甘蓝型油菜 白菜型油菜 种间杂交 早代稳定

领  域: [农业科学]




作者 李振义
作者 吴晨
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