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Urtra-high repetition rate pulse generation based on Fabry-Perot laser diode

作  者: ; ;

机构地区: 华南农业大学理学院应用物理系

出  处: 《激光杂志》 2014年第1期8-9,11,共3页

摘  要: 本文提出了一种新的基于双模自注入锁定DC电流驱动的法布里-珀罗半导体激光器(FP-LD)来生成超高重复频率,高功率光脉冲的简单方法。传统的基于注入锁定增益开关调制的FP-LD产生光脉冲方法,存在输出脉冲重复率低(通常小于10GHz)、啁啾大和低输出功率的缺点。文章提出的方案中,通过一个带直流偏置的FP-LD与两个均匀光纤布拉格光栅(FBG)相连,来实现双模自注入锁定输出。该输出信号再进入一根长的、高度非线性的光纤(HNLF)中,通过自相位调制和反常色散之间的相互作用可获得高频光脉冲。实验结果,在FP-LD相邻的两个纵模同时注入锁定时,可获得了重复频率为139.6GHz宽度为1.6ps和时间带宽积为0.34的孤子光脉冲,峰值功率为120mW。我们还观察到当改变光栅的应力,可选择相间隔的两个纵模同时注入锁定,重复频率为279.2GHz的光脉冲序列,由于该脉冲序列的四波混频增益较139.6GHz序列低,因此四波混频效应不明显。该方案结构简单,成本低廉。 A new and simple method of ultra-high repetition rate and high power optical pulse train generation is proposed based on dual-mode self-seeding adc biased Fabry-Perot laser diode (FP-LD). Different from traditional pulse generation method based on injection locking gain switched FP-LD, which has the disadvantage of low repetition rate (less than 10 GHz), low power and big chirp, in our scheme, a FP-LD is dc biased, and dual-mode self seeding is realized by externally connecting two Fiber Bragg gratings (FBG) through a coupler. The two self-seeding modes interfere and evolve into a high power high repetition rate pulse train through interplay between self-phase modulation and anomalous dispersion in a long piece of highly nonlinear fiber (HNLF). As a result, a 139.6 GHz transform limited soliton train with peak power of 120 mW is generated by self-seeding two neighbouring modes of FP-LD. The pulse width is 1.6 ps and the time-bandwidth product is 0.34. A 279.2 GHz pulse train is also obtained by self-seeding two separated modes. The gain of four-wave mixing for injection locking the two separated modes is lower than that of neighbouring modes, so the nonlinear effect is not so obvious. The method is simple and low cost.

关 键 词: 超高重复频率脉冲序列 法布里 珀罗激光器 双模自注入锁定 自相位调制 光孤子

领  域: [电子电信]




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