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East Asian Community or APEC Community —Asia Pacific Regional Cooperation and the Trend of Japan

作  者: ; (西口清胜);

机构地区: 日本立命馆大学

出  处: 《东南亚研究》 2013年第6期31-41,共11页

摘  要: 日本菅直人首相2010年10月在国会突然宣布要对加入TPP问题进行研究,如果日本加入TPP,TPP将主要变成日美间的自由贸易协定。美国倡导TPP、亚太自由贸易圈,其直接目的是为了改善其国际贸易不平衡尤其是对中贸易不平衡的状况,增加美国国内就业,与此同时避免被东亚合作进程排除在外,建立自己主导的亚太共同体,在经济、政治、安全等多个方面遏制中国的崛起。对这种情况,中国正努力通过扩大内需和深化经济改革积极应对。日本也面临着严峻的选择,作者认为日本应该努力摆脱东亚"三角贸易"的局限,积极参与湄公河开发,拓展亚洲内需,加快东亚经济合作和东亚共同体建设的进程,而不应违背众多日本国民的意愿,优先重视TPP和优先发展日美军事同盟关系,走"脱亚入美"的道路。 Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan suddenly announced that he will do some research on the issue of joining in TPP in October 2010 .. TPP will mainly become the free trade agreement between Japan and U. S. The U- nited States advocates TPP and FTAAP, in order to improve the international trade imbalance especially towards China, boost domestic employment, to void being excluded by cooperative process in Eastern Asia, to build APEC Community dominated by itself, and to contain China's rise in economic, political, security and many other as- pects. In this condition, China is trying to actively respond by expanding domestic demand and deepening economic reform. Japan is also facing a serious choice. The author maintains that Japan should try to free itself from the limi- tations of East Asia "triangular trade", actively participate in the development of Mekong Region, expand the do- mestic demand in Asia, speed up the process of East Asia economic cooperation and East Asian community build- ing ; but it should not be against the will of the nations, give the first priority to TPP or Japan-U. S. military alignment or go to road of "departure from Asia for the United States".

关 键 词: 东亚共同体 亚太共同体 美中贸易不平衡 三角贸易 湄公河开发

领  域: [政治法律] [政治法律] [政治法律]


作者 王瑟
作者 魏国学
作者 刘茜
作者 叶海晨
作者 程辰


机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学
机构 广东外语外贸大学社会科学系
机构 广东技术师范学院
机构 广东外语外贸大学


作者 康秋实
作者 廖伟导
作者 廖芳
作者 张万坤
作者 张光亚