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Characteristics of Soil Seed Bank in Napahai Lake Wetland under Different Disturbances

作  者: ; ; ; ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 国家林业局

出  处: 《西部林业科学》 2013年第6期45-50,共6页

摘  要: 对不同干扰条件下纳帕海湿地植物土壤种子库物种组成、密度、多样性进行了研究,分析了地上植被与土壤种子库间的相似性关系。结果表明,纳帕海湖滨湿地土壤种子库物种在返青期有26个物种,在枯黄期有7个物种,蕨类植物仅在返青期生长。为旅游+放牧干扰(TT);人工取草皮干扰(AR)和猪拱干扰(PF)3种干扰类型的土壤种子库中的植物物种数在返青期分别为21种、12种和12种;在枯黄期分别为2种、2种和6种。在返青期,TT和PF方式下土壤种子库的物种里多年生植物均高于1年生植物,只有AR方式下土壤种子库的物种为1年生植物高于多年生植物;在枯黄期,不同干扰方式下土壤种子库的物种1年生植物都均高于多年生植物,这是由于枯黄期的土壤中以当年产生的种子植物为主。不同时期和干扰方式下土壤种子库的物种为双子叶植物比例均明显高于单子叶植物,说明不同的干扰方式都使得单子叶植物减少。返青期和枯黄期种子库的总密度是PF﹥TT﹥AR;物种多样性在返青期是TT﹥AR﹥PF,在枯黄期为AR﹥PF﹥TT。在返青期,TT、AR、PF 3种干扰下地上植被与土壤种子库物种组成相似性指数分别为0.53、0.30、0.44。因此,可以预测3种干扰后植物群落的恢复潜力是TT﹥AR﹥PF。故在植被恢复的时候不仅要重视TT后的生态恢复,还要更加重视AR和TT后的生态恢复。 The species composition, abundance and diversity of soil seed bank of Napahai lake wetland were stud- ied, and the correlation and similarity between aboveground vegetation aboveground and seed bank were analyzed. The results showed that the species number explored in seed bank of Napahai lake wetland during green up period and withering period were 26 and 7 respectively, ferns only grew in green up period. In seed bank of wetland un- der three different types of disturbances namely tourist trampling ( TT), anthropological removal (AR) and pig for- age (PF), the species number in green up period were 21, 12 and 12 respectively, those in withering period were 2, 2 and 6 respectively. During the green up period, under the disturbances of TT and PF, the species number of perennial plant was more than that of annual plants, whereas the situation was the opposite under the disturbance of AR. During the withering period, the species numbers of annual plants were more than that of pe- rennial plants under all the three types of disturbances, since in the withering period, seeds in the soil were main- ly from the annual plants. Whether for different period or for different disturbance, the number of dicotyledon was higher than that of monocotyledon, which implied that different forms of disturbances all caused the decrease of mon- ocotyledon. The seed density of green up period and withering period all showed the tendency of PF 〉 TT 〉 AR, the species diversity in green up period was TT 〉 AR 〉 PF, and AR 〉 PF 〉 TT in the withering period. In green up peri- od, under the disturbances of TT, AR and PF, the similarity index of aboveground vegetation and seed bank were 0. 53, 0. 30 and 0. 44 respectively. Therefore, it could be predicted that once the wetland was disturbed, the poten- tial for revegetation was TT 〉 AR 〉 PF. The study results implied that in revegetation of Napahai lake wetland, be- sides tourist trampling, sufficient attention should be given to anthropological removal and pig fora

关 键 词: 纳帕海 湿地 干扰 季节 土壤种子库 特征 恢复

领  域: [生物学]


作者 丁祎
作者 邱彭华


机构 华南理工大学
机构 华南理工大学建筑学院
机构 华南师范大学


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作者 徐松林
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