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Effect of physical characteristics of leaf on resistance of cucumber to aphis

作  者: ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 扬州大学园艺与植物保护学院

出  处: 《中国生态农业学报》 2014年第1期52-57,共6页

摘  要: 为了研究黄瓜叶片表面物理性状在抗蚜性方面的作用,以黄瓜蚜虫(瓜蚜)为研究对象,在室内和田间研究了蚜虫在13个黄瓜品种上的存活率、繁殖率,以及种群趋势指数,探讨了黄瓜叶片茸毛密度、叶片维管束埋深和表面蜡质含量等物理性状与蚜虫种群趋势指数的相关关系。结果表明:取食不同品种黄瓜的若蚜存活率及单头蚜虫的产仔量存在显著差异(P<0.05)。其中,蚜虫在抗虫黄瓜品种‘阿信’上的存活率最低(40.16%),在感虫品种‘pepino’上的存活率最高(55.86%);在不同的黄瓜品种上蚜虫的产仔量存在明显差异,其中在感虫黄瓜品种上蚜虫的单头产仔量均在60头以上,而在抗性品种‘EP6392’上单头产仔量仅为48.25头。不同抗性黄瓜品种叶片的茸毛密度、维管束埋深和表面蜡质含量等物理性状存在明显差异,其中感虫品种‘四川寸金’的茸毛密度(372.63根·cm 2)是高抗品种‘阿信’(190.50根·cm 2)的1.96倍,高抗品种‘阿信’叶片维管束埋深最深(0.5 mm),明显大于高感品种‘秀燕’(0.38 mm)和‘pepino’(0.40 mm),高抗品种‘阿信’叶片表面蜡质含量(4.56 mg·g 1)是感虫品种‘仪黄’(1.19 mg·g 1)的3.8倍。叶片茸毛密度、维管束埋深和表面蜡质含量等物理性状与黄瓜上蚜虫种群趋势指数的相关性分析发现,叶片茸毛密度与瓜蚜种群趋势指数存在显著正相关关系,其回归方程为:Y=8.312 1x+10.700 0(r=0.819 8,P=0.000 6);而叶片维管束埋深和表面蜡质含量分别与瓜蚜种群趋势指数呈显著负相关,其回归方程分别为:Y=0.004 2x+0.557 1(r=0.682 9,P=0.010 1)、Y=0.181 0x+8.286 8(r=0.752 7,P=0.003 0)。种群趋势指数(Y)和叶片茸毛密度(X1)、维管束埋深(X2)及表面蜡质含量(X3)3个因素的多元逐步回归方程为:Y=38.624 6+0.043 1X139.165 3X21.044 3X3(r2=0.830 7),通径系数分别为P茸毛密度→Y=0.414 2,P维管束埋深→Y=0.166 0,P蜡质含量→Y=0.206 7,表� With laboratory experiments and field trials, the survival rate, reproduction rate and population index of Aphis gossypii in 13 cucumber varieties were investigated. The aim of the study was to determine the role of cucumber leaf in resistance to aphid, the correlation between the physical characteristics of cucumber (e.g., hair density, vascular bundle depth and surface wax content) and the population index of aphids. The results showed that the survival rate and fecundity of aphid nymph in different cucumber varieties were significantly different (P 〈 0.05). The aphid nymph survival rate was lowest (40.16%) in resistant variety 'Axin' and highest (55.86%) in susceptible variety 'pepino'. Significant differences were observed in fecundity rate among different cucumber varieties. Farrowing number of single aphid in susceptible varieties exceeded 60 while it was less than 48.25 in resistant variety 'EP6392'. Physical leaf characteristics (e.g., hair density, vascular bundle depth and surface wax content) were significantly different among different cucumber varieties. Leaf hair density of high-susceptible variety 'Sichuancunjin' (372.63 number.cm-2) was 1.96 times that of high-resistant variety 'Axin' (190.50 number.cm 2). Leaf vascular bundle depth of high-resistant variety 'Axin' (0.50 mm) was significantly deeper than those of high-susceptible variety 'Xiuyan' (0.38 mm) and 'pepino' (0.40 mm). Also leaf surface wax content in high-resistant variety 'Axin' (4.56 mg.g-1) was 3.80 times that of susceptible variety 'Yihuang' (1.19 mg'g-1). The correlation among hair density, vascular bundle depth and surface wax content of cucumber leaf and aphid population index was also analyzed in the study. A significant positive correlation existed between leaf hair density and population index of A. gossypii. This correlation was strongly expressed in the regression equation of Y= 8.312 lx + 10.700 0, with r = 0.819 8 and P = 0.000 6

关 键 词: 黄瓜 叶片 物理性状 瓜蚜 种群趋势指数

领  域: [农业科学] [农业科学]




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