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An Empirical Study on Mental Representation of Prefabricated Chunks with Different L2 Proficiency Levels

作  者: ; (吴华佳);

机构地区: 扬州大学

出  处: 《中国外语》 2013年第5期72-77,共6页

摘  要: 本文通过心理学"反应时"范式的实验研究,试图探索不同二语水平者预制语块心理表征的记忆存储特征及其二语水平效应。预制语块的二语水平效应体现在高、低水平者的语块心理表征在质量、路径和加工范式上的差异:(1)较之二语心理词库个词,语块心理表征质量整体"趋弱";(2)高、低二语水平者四类语块表征发展路径"趋同";(3)高、低二语水平者四类语块表征组间差异"趋大",其加工范式不同。并进一步提出了二语水平效应下的预制语块心理表征模型:预制语块表征单元结构具有"交互激活"的特征,表征形式"从自由到限制"的发展路径及表征认知加工的"并行vs.序列"特征。 This empirical study is undertaken to investigate the representation of mental representation of prefabricated chunks(PC) in Chinese L2 learners' mental lexicon and effects of different L2 proficiency levels via the computer based on-line Response Latency Task. The major findings are: (1)as a whole, Chinese L2 learners' representation proficiency of PC is far from satisfactory; (2)for both high and low proficiency learners the developmental route of representation of PC is similar; and (3)the high and low proficiency learners show significant difference on the representation of four types of PC. This paper analyses the theoretical basis of the results behind. In addition, it also ventures some implications and assumptions about the model of mental representation of PC, and three assumptions have been drawn as follows: the elements of representation of PC are interactivated in mental lexicon; the types of representation of PC take the route of developing from "Free to Restriction"; the processing of representation of PC exists like a continuum with the features of both serial and parallel processing.

关 键 词: 预制语块 心理表征 二语水平效应

领  域: [语言文字]


作者 刘绍龙
作者 吴旭东
作者 蔡新华
作者 蔡小红
作者 廉洁


机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 华南理工大学工商管理学院
机构 广东外语外贸大学


作者 彭川
作者 彭晓春
作者 徐云扬
作者 成海涛
作者 曾小敏