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A model for scientific discovery in psychological logics

作  者: ;

机构地区: 清华大学人文社会科学学院心理学系

出  处: 《科学通报》 2013年第34期3530-3543,共14页

摘  要: 科学发现的重要方法包括皮尔士称为―扩展前提的推理‖的溯因方法和归纳方法,以及皮尔士未曾提及但在当今认知科学中备受青睐的类比和隐喻方法,这3类方法被用来寻找和提出假说;而皮尔士的另一类―解释前提的推理‖即演绎推理则用来验证假说.本文指出,在人类认知活动中,所有逻辑过程同时也是心理过程,因此,所有逻辑都是心理逻辑.作者追溯自苏格拉底以来在西方哲学、逻辑学和数学证明中使用的溯因推理,指出每一个定理的证明都是一个溯因推理过程.本文还以近代科学发现的一些著名例子,如大陆漂移和板块结构理论、大爆炸宇宙论的建立和培根机器的定理证明,来说明溯因推理、归纳推理和类比推理在科学发现中的作用.特别地,以著名的沃森实验为例,详细分析演绎推理和溯因推理的心理逻辑性质,建立认知逻辑(cognitive logic)的学科体系,将溯因推理安放在认知逻辑和心理逻辑的合理框架之内.最后,建立包括溯因、类比、归纳3个并行通道和演绎的1个串行通道的科学发现的心理逻辑模型.本模型是基于认知科学理解的综合模型,较之已有的任何同类模型都更为先进,对经典的科学发现也有更强的解释力.根据此模型,作者对与科学发现有关的一些重要问题进行讨论,并得出一些有意义的结论. The critical methods for the scientific discovery should include abduction and induction that Peirce named as ampliative (synthetic) inferences, as well as analogy and metaphor that did not mentioned by Peirce but were very favor by contemporary cognitive scientists. In the author's view, abduction, induction, analogy and metaphor are the methods to be used in search of and set up hypothesis, and deduction, explicative (analytic or deductive) inferences named by Peirce, can be used in validating that hypothesis. The study advocates that all logical processing is accompanied with psychological processes in human's cognition, therefore, all logics are psychological. The author indicates that every process of proof is abductive by tracing the inferences in philosophy, logic and mathematics in the western world since Socrates. The authors also illuminate the effects of abduction, induction and analogy in scientific discovery with some examples in modern sciences such as continental drift and plate tectonics, Big Bang Cosmology, and theorem-proving with Balcon machine. Especially, this paper analyzes carefully the characters of psychological logics such as deduction and abduction with a famous Wason selection task as example. Then, a discipline frame of cognitive logic will be created, while abduction would be placed into this new frame becomingly, belonged to a sub-discipline of cognitive logic, i.e., psychological logics. Finally, a model in psychologcical logics with three parallel channels and a serial channel will be set up. With this model, abduction, analogy and induction should be used in describing or even to finding hypotheses in scientific discovery, while deduction should be used in validating the hypotheses. This model is an integrative model based on the cognitive scientific comprehensions, which is more advanced than any other similar models and has stronger explanations for scientific discovery. With this model, the author will discuss some problems related with scientific discovery and get

关 键 词: 科学发现 心理逻辑 溯因 类比 归纳 演绎 认知

领  域: [自动化与计算机技术] [自动化与计算机技术]


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