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Provenance Variation and Selection in Growth and Wood Quality of 34-year Pinus armandi Franch

作  者: ; ; ; (祁万宜); (高新章);

机构地区: 中国林业科学研究院林业研究所国家林业局林木培育重点实验室

出  处: 《东北林业大学学报》 2013年第12期5-7,12,共4页

摘  要: 利用1982年设置在湖北省宜昌市大老岭林场的34年生25个产地的华山松种源试验林,研究已达主伐年龄时华山松生长和材性的种源差异和地理变异模式,并采用阻力值的方法研究华山松种源木材密度的变异,最后挑选出优良种源。研究结果表明:华山松树高、胸径、材积和木材密度在种源间存在显著差异。种源胸径、树高和材积呈现出纬向倾群地理变异模式,而木材密度没有明显的地理变异模式;性状遗传相关分析结果显示:生长性状和阻力值呈微弱的正相关。利用多性状综合评价方法,选出云南保山、甘肃清水、云南梁河、贵州威宁、四川通江和云南会泽6个速生优质种源。 An experiment was conducted to study the genetic variation in growth traits among provenances and geographic variation to select superior provenances,height,diameter,volume and amplitude of Pinus armandi Franch in provenance test forest established in 1982. Variation of wood density in Pinus armandi Franch provenances was concluded based on the strong positive correlation between wood density and amplitude. Height,diameter,volume and amplitude among provenances were detected. There are significant differences in growth rate and wood quality among the provenances. A clinal variation pattern responding to the latitude of seed sources was found for DBH,height and volume,but not for density. There is a weak positive correlation between wood density and growth. Six superior provenances,Baoshan Yunnan,Qingshui Gansu,Lianghe Yunnan,Weining Guizhou,Tongjiang Sichuan and Huizhe Yunnana,were selected by synthetical evaluation.

关 键 词: 华山松 种源 生长 阻力值 木材密度 地理变异 种源选择

领  域: [农业科学] [农业科学] [农业科学]




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