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High Safety Scheme of Key Pre-distribution with a Mobile Sink in Wireless Sensor Network

作  者: ; ; ;

机构地区: 广西大学计算机与电子信息学院

出  处: 《广西师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 2013年第3期164-168,共5页

摘  要: 在Sink移动的无线传感器网络中,移动Sink节点与传感器节点利用彼此间的共享密钥进行安全通信。当网络节点遭到俘获攻击时被俘获节点存储的密钥信息会被敌方获取,那么给节点分配较多的密钥会降低网络抗毁性,而给节点分配较少的密钥又会降低移动Sink节点和传感器节点之间的连通性。针对这一问题,借鉴算法PGPS的设计思想,提出一种新的密钥预分配方案N-PGPS。该方案通过引入一个对称多项式U(x′,y′)来产生有干扰的密钥信息,保证多项式中的系数不会被敌方获取,从而有效地增强了网络的抗毁性。此外,通过调整N-PG PS算法中的参数t和s,能有效提高网络的连通性。分析结果表明,与已有的密钥预分配方案相比,N-PGPS方案使网络具备较强的抗毁性和较好的连通性。 In the wireless sensor network with a mobile sink,the mobile sink and the sensors use their shared keys to communicate with each other securely. When some nodes are captured by the adversary, the key information maybe exposed. If each node stores large number of keys, it would reduce the net-work resilience. Otherwise ,it may reduce the network connectivity. In order to solve this problem ,this paper proposes a new key pre-distribution scheme,named N-PGPS,which is based on the algorithm of PGPS. This scheme adopts a symmetric polynomial φ(x',y') to produce a perturbed key,which enhances the network resilience effectively. In addition,changing the value of t and s in N-PGPS can also increases the network connectivity observably. The analytical results clearly show that the new schemes perform better in the aspect of network resilience and network connectivity than the existing key pre-distribution schemes in a Wireless sensor network with a mobile sink.

关 键 词: 多项式 密钥预分配 网络抗毁性 网络连通性

领  域: [自动化与计算机技术] [自动化与计算机技术]


作者 龚先旻


机构 香港中文大学


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