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Short-term and medium-term prediction and rheo-tectonic analysis for Nantou earthquake (M_S6.7)

作  者: ; ; ; (吴达兵); (贺赤诚);

机构地区: 中国地质大学工程学院教育部长江三峡库区地质灾害研究中心

出  处: 《地学前缘》 2013年第6期162-171,共10页

摘  要: 回顾了不同方法对于台湾南投(MS6.7)地震的成功中期预测和短期预测,分析了南投地震的构造背景及发震机制。根据太阳黑子数为主要参数的太阳活动度分析,曾小苹和林云芳于2013年4月预测2013年台湾高雄—南投—花莲一带,将发生MS7.0地震。2013年5月12日,沈宗丕和林命周根据"磁暴月相二倍法"做了一个短期和临震预测:2013年6月19日前后5天或10天左右,台湾省或邻近海域在内的地震带可能发生一次MS7.5~8.0级左右的大地震。2013年5月26日,张建国向部分专家通报了基于他自创的全球地震天象干支序列预测图谱做出的中期预测:发震时间为2013年4月24日—2014年2月10日(高危时区为阴历4—5月);预测地区为嘉义—台南—南投—云林(23.0°~23.4°~24.0°N,120.0°~120.6°~121.2°E);预测震级为MS6.2~6.6~7.2。利用地震云和云地映对分析和陈界宏的磁异常交点,2013年5月26日23:55,重庆万州吴达兵预测在2013年6月中旬以前台湾云地映对地区(24°±0.2°N,121°±0.2°E)将发生ML6.2±0.4地震。2013年5月27日,黄建文明确发出台湾南投应力集中警报;5月29日,又发布强应力集中持续增强特别警报。2013年6月2日13:43,台湾南投(23.87°N,121.00°E)发生MS6.7(ML6.3)地震,震源深度9km。发震时间落入吴达兵的短期预测区间;落入张建国的高危时区(阴历4—5月);比沈宗丕和林命周预测的短期预测时间范围提前7天;分别落入曾小苹和林云芳的中期预测范围。震中位置与吴达兵的预测完全一致;与陈界宏磁异常交点基本一致;准确落入张建国的预测区间;与曾小苹和林云芳的预测地区一致。震级与吴达兵的预测震级高度一致;落入张建国的中期预测范围;与曾小苹和林云芳的震级预测基本一致。经过对比可以看出,吴达兵的短期预测、张建国的中期预测、曾小苹和林云芳的中期预测都是成功的。沈宗丕 This article reviews the successful short-term and medium-term earthquake predictions for the Nantou earthquake(MS6.7)and analyzes its tectonic background and occurring mechanism.According to the analysis of the solar activity taking the sunspot number as the main factor,Zeng Xiaoping and Lin Yunfang predicted that a MS7.0earthquake will occur in the Gaoxiong-Nantou-Hualian area of Taiwan in 2013in their article printed in April,2013.On May 12,2013,Shen Zongpi and Lin Mingzhou made a short-term and imminent prediction on the basis of the two-time method of magnetic storm related to lunar phase,that there would be a MS7.0-8.0big earthquake occurring along the earthquake zone including Taiwan and its adjacent waters in 5or 10days before or after June 19,2013.On May 26,2013,Zhang Jianguo informed some experts about his medium-term prediction for an earthquake,that the occurring time would be in the period between April 24,2013and February 10,2014(the high risk period would be in the fourth and fifth lunar month),that the earthquake area would be in Jiayi-Tainan-Nantou-Yunlin(23.0°-23.4°-24.0°N,120.0°-120.6°-121.2°E),and the magnitude would be MS6.2-6.6-7.2.On the basis of the analysis of the earthquake cloud,the correspondence between cloud and ground and the intersection point of magnetic anomalies,Wu Dabing predicted that there would be an earthquake with magnitude of ML6.2±0.4 occurring in Taiwan(24°±0.2°N,121°±0.2°E)before the midmonth of June,2013.On May 27,2013,Huang Jianwen raised the alarm that the stresses were concentrating in Nantou county of Taiwan.On May 29,he further raised the special alarm that intensive stresses were continuously concentrating.At 12:34of June 2,2013,aMS6.7(ML6.3)earthquake occurred in Nantou of Taiwan with the epicenter at(23.87°N,121.00°E)and the focus at the depth of 9km.It occurred in the short-term prediction period made by Wu Dabing,in the high risk period of the fourth and fifth month predicted by Zhang Jianguo,7days ahead of the short-

关 键 词: 南投地震 中期预测 短期预测 云地映对 屈尺 潮州断裂

领  域: [天文地球] [天文地球] [天文地球]


作者 庞菊香
作者 康秋实
作者 康超
作者 廖伟导
作者 廖刚


机构 中山大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 广东外语外贸大学


作者 徐锦堂
作者 张祖荣
作者 曲进
作者 黄霓
作者 林平凡