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Application of Target Inhibition Technology on Specific Spoilage Organism of Crisped Grass Carp Fillets in Cold Chain

作  者: ; ; ; ; (魏晓雅); (黎嘉欣);

机构地区: 电子科技大学中山学院

出  处: 《中国食品学报》 2013年第9期139-146,共8页

摘  要: 以华南特色鱼种-脆肉鲩鱼为研究对象,考察不同抑菌处理(无菌水清洗、茶多酚浸渍、乙酸钠浸渍)对其在冷链保鲜环境中的微生物指标(细菌总数、假单胞菌数)、理化指标(挥发性盐基氮、pH、汁液损失率)及感官指标的影响等;应用16S rDNA克隆文库及RFLP技术确定不同抑菌处理脆肉鲩鱼片在冷链保鲜过程中的优势菌。结果表明:3种处理的抑菌效果为乙酸钠浸渍>茶多酚浸渍>无菌水清洗,3种处理均可降低脆肉鲩鱼片的原始带菌量,并在冷藏期间抑制特定腐败菌(SSO)-假单胞菌的生长;乙酸钠浸渍处理的脆肉鲩鱼片表现出和其他处理不同的腐败特性;通过16S rDNA克隆文库及RFLP技术确定乙酸钠浸渍处理脆肉鲩鱼片的优势菌为乳酸菌,茶多酚浸渍处理的优势菌为假单胞菌,说明乙酸钠浸渍可靶向抑制脆肉鲩鱼的SSO-假单胞菌。 This experiment chose crisped grass carp, one of characteristic species in south of China, as the object and the influences of different antimicrobial treatment (sterile water cleaning, tea polyphenols dipping treatment and sodi-um acetate dipping treatment) on microbiological, physicochemical and sensory index of fish fillets were compared. Spe- cific spoilage organism (SSO) of crisped grass carp with different antimicrobial treatment during chilled storage were ana- lyzed by 16S rDNA clone library and restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP). The results showed: the antimi- crobial effect of sodium acetate dipping on fish fillets was the best, exceeding that of fish fillets treating with polyphenols dipping and sterile water cleaning. The original carried microorganism were decreased and the growth of Pseudomonas sp. (specific spoilage organism of crisped grass carp in cold chain) were inhibited in fillets with all antimicrobial treatment. Spoilage character of fillets with sodium acetate dipping treatment were different. Sequencing analysis results of 16S rDNA showed that Lactic acid bacteria were proved to be the predominant bacteria in fish fillets with sodium acetate dipping treatment, while Pseudomonas sp. as dominant bacterium in fish fillets with tea polyphenols dipping treatment. The results indicated that sodium acetate dipping treatment could inhibit the growth of Pseudomonas sp., SSO of crisped grass carp in cold chain.

关 键 词: 脆肉鲩鱼 特定腐败菌 靶向抑菌

领  域: [轻工技术与工程] [轻工技术与工程]


作者 杨丽敏
作者 钟秀英


机构 仲恺农业工程学院
机构 华南理工大学经济与贸易学院
机构 广东食品药品职业学院管理系


作者 徐焰
作者 邹开敏
作者 李景睿
作者 李尚蒲
作者 莫岳云