机构地区: 中国水产科学研究院珠江水产研究所农业部热带亚热带鱼类选育与养殖重点开放实验室
出 处: 《大连水产学院学报》 2000年第4期280-287,共8页
摘 要: 鲟鱼是世界上最古老的鱼类之一 ,现存鲟鱼种数有 2 5~ 2 6种。由于多年的酷渔滥捕和生态环境恶化 ,鲟鱼资源日趋衰退。 1 990年世界鲟鱼产量为 2万t,1 993年下降到 1万t。本文作者综述了鲟鱼类的起源、地理分布、生态习性和生物学特性 ,分析和讨论了开展鲟鱼养殖应注意的问题及鲟鱼的养殖前景。 Sturgeons and paddlefish are ancient fishes in which 25-26 sturgeons and paddlefish are found in the world. The natural resources of sturgeons and paddlefish decrease because of over fishing and environment deterioration. The production of sturgeons and paddlefish was about 20 000 tones in 1990, but decreased to only 10,000 tones in 1993. The origin, geographical distribution and biological characteristics of some sturgeons and paddlefish are summarized. The keys for the sturgeons culture and the prospects for their aquaculture, domestic and international market are discussed.