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Classification of flowering groups for flue-cured tobacco and selection of germplasm resources

作  者: ; ; ; ; ; ; ; (赵伟才);

机构地区: 贵州省黔东南州烟草公司贵州凯里556000

出  处: 《西北农林科技大学学报(自然科学版)》 2013年第11期37-44,共8页

摘  要: 【目的】通过对烤烟种质资源开花类群的划分和抗早花遗传资源的筛选,为烤烟抗早花育种材料的挖掘、利用提供依据。【方法】设置2个播期(提前20d和正常),对2个播期下41个烤烟品种现蕾期的现蕾时间、着生叶片数、植株高度、最大叶长、最大叶宽5个农艺性状指标进行测量,通过相关性及聚类分析,对41份烤烟种质资源的开花特性进行综合评价,并以此作为烤烟品种不同开花特性类群的聚类依据,对烤烟品种进行分类。【结果】在2个不同播期下,除第2播期烤烟着生叶片数与最大叶宽间相关性不显著外,其他各个指标间均极显著或显著相关,且现蕾时间、着生叶片数、植株高度、最大叶长4项农艺性状指标对烤烟开花类群的划分具有显著影响。其中现蕾时间和植株高度这2个性状相关性最大,且对烤烟开花特性的影响最大,可以作为鉴定烤烟开花特性的主要指标;着生叶片数和最大叶长这2个指标的相关性结合度也较好,相关性较高,可以作为田间筛选、鉴定烤烟品种开花特性的辅助指标,以进一步印证品种特性。【结论】5个农艺性状指标的聚类结果较好,可以将供试41份烤烟种质资源清晰地划分为抗早花型、早花型、极早花型3大类。 【Objective】This study aimed to improve the breeding and utilization of fluecured tobacco by classifying flowering groups and selecting flue-cured tobacco germplasm resources.【Method】 Two sets of sowing dates (20 days advance and normal) were conducted in this study.41 flue-cured tobacco cultivars were taken as materials,and 5 agronomical characters including squaring stage,leaf number,plant height,maximum leaf length,and maximum blade width were measured.Flowering characteristics of the 41 species were evaluated using clustering analysis,based on which the tobacco cultivars were classified.【Result】Correlations between indexes except leaf number and maximum blade width of tobacco in second sow date were all significant or extremely significant.Squaring stage,leaf number,plant height,and maximum leaf length had significant impact on the classification of flue-cured tobacco flowering groups.The correlation between squaring stage and plant height was the most significant,and had the biggest influence on flowering characteristics of flue-cured tobacco.It could be used as the major index for identification of flue-cured tobacco flowering characteristics.Correlation between leaf number and maximum leaf length was significant as well,and it can be used as the auxiliary index for screening and identifying flowering characteristics of flue-cured tobacco and further verifying variety characteristics.【Conclusion】Based on cluster analysis of the five agronomical characters,the 41 flue-cured tobacco cultivars were grouped into 3 types:premature flowering resistance,premature flowering and extremely premature flowering.

关 键 词: 烤烟 种质资源 早花 类群划分

领  域: [农业科学] [农业科学]




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