机构地区: 华南理工大学建筑学院城市规划系
出 处: 《城市规划》 2013年第11期47-53,66,共8页
摘 要: 起源于西方的城市形态学研究正不断加强与城市规划和管理之间的联系;其中英国康泽恩学派的城市形态区域化理论,以描述城镇景观的历史地理架构为研究目标,在城市保护规划特别是遗产保护规划中有相当大的,但未充分利用的潜力。康泽恩为理论发展做出了重大的贡献,提出了形态区域化的基础理论;建构了形态研究的方法框架——城镇平面分析方法,将城镇景观分为三个形态要素:平面单元、建筑类型以及土地和建筑利用,最后综合三者形成城镇景观单元。城市形态区域化理论已经在西方的遗产保护规划中得到初步应用,现开始尝试在完全不同于西方文化背景的中国城市中开展研究,探索适用于中国本土化的城市形态研究方法,力求保护中国城市形态的传统地域特征。 There is evidence in the West of increasing attempts to strengthen the connection between urban morphology and planning practice. In this respect the Conzenian method of urban morphological regionalization, based on articulating the historico-geographical structure of the urban landscape, has considerable but insufficiently recognized potential. M. R. G. Conzen developed the method of morphological regionalization by investigating three form complexes - ground plan, building types, and land and building utilization. By combining the maps of each of these he was able to delimit the urban landscape units. This method has been used in heritage protection planning in the West, which is now being applied in the very different environments in Chinese cities, with the aim to protect the traditional regional features of Chinese urban form.
关 键 词: 城市形态 康泽恩学派 城镇景观 城市形态区域化 城市保护 遗产保护
领 域: [建筑科学]