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REE Composition of Nephrite Jades from Major Mines in China and Their Significance for Indicating Origin

作  者: ; ; ; ; ; ; (罗涵);

机构地区: 中山大学地球科学系

出  处: 《中国稀土学报》 2013年第6期738-748,共11页

摘  要: 软玉的成因和产地来源识别是岩石矿物学和古玉文化考古研究的重要内容之一,前人已对此作过很多研究,其中稀土元素是研究矿物成因及其地球化学条件的重要工具之一,被认为是进行相关探索的重要方向。采用LA-ICP-MS等测试方法,对新疆和田、江苏溧阳、贵州罗甸等地软玉进行了稀土元素组成测试,结合前人发表的研究数据,利用方差分析等统计分析方法,对这些产地软玉稀土元素含量、模式及其参数进行了较为系统的分析和对比。结果表明,由于其成矿流体、地球化学环境的差异,不同产地的软玉稀土元素组成及配分的特征参数间存在一定的差异性,其中新疆和田Eu负异常强烈,辽宁岫岩轻重稀土分异明显,青海格尔木稀土总量较低,江苏溧阳、贵州罗甸、四川汶川均有Ce负异常等特征可以当作产地的诊断性特征看待;结合软玉主量元素及其他微量元素特征,本文对利用稀土元素差异性进行国内软玉产地来源判识进行了探索。 Nephrite genesis and its origin identification is an important branch in the research of petromineralogy and archaeology of ancient jade. Among the numerous studies conducted by predecessors, REE (rare earth element) was taken as a significant tool analyzing mineral genesis and geochemical conditions, and thought to be valuable in further research. This paper used ICP-MS to analyze REE jiang, Liyang-Jiangsu, measuring methods as LAcompositions of Hetian-Xin- Luodian-Guizhou, and etc Combined with data reported by predecessors, and applying statistical methods as variance analysis, the paper conducted a relative systematic analysis and comparison of REE contents, patterns and related parameters of nephrites from the above origins. The results showed that, due to the diversity in ore-forming fluids and geochemical settings, certain differences of REE contents and patterns among various origins existed : nephrites from Hetian-Xinjiang presented a strong negative anomaly of Eu; nephrites from Xiuyan-Liaoning displayed an obvious fractionation between LREE and HREE; nephrites from Ge'ermu-Qinghai had a relative low REE contents; nephrites from Liyang-Jiangsu, Luodian-Guizhou and Wenchuan-Sichuan had a common feature of negative Ce anomaly ; and the above characteristics could be regarded as diagnostic features. Combined with REE differences among nephrites of different origins and their major elements as well other trace elements feature, the paper explored nephrite origin identification within China

关 键 词: 软玉 产源识别 统计分析 稀土元素

领  域: [天文地球] [天文地球]


作者 孟增璐
作者 王学琳
作者 吴沫
作者 曾晶晶
作者 杨起超


机构 华南师范大学
机构 广州体育学院
机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学
机构 华南理工大学


作者 徐锦堂
作者 张祖荣
作者 曲进
作者 黄霓
作者 林平凡