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The Indian Jeweled Artworks of The Imperial Qing Court

作  者: ;

机构地区: 香港中文大学

出  处: 《故宫博物院院刊》 2013年第6期13-33,156,共21页

摘  要: 清宫旧藏中,班禅于乾隆四十五年(1780)进献的银胎珐琅嵌宝石靶碗、盖罐、海螺,通常认为其产自西藏,但通过制作工艺以及装饰风格分析,应是印度莫卧尔王朝18世纪制品。其中带座靶碗的造型与组合具西藏特色,又与印度贵族吸食水烟的器具有一定相似性;盖罐应为印度皇室或贵族盛会所用之器;所谓海螺,其造型与印度象征佩戴者军事才能的火药筒相同。这些器物在印度本土原与宗教无涉,因其华美、珍贵,故被班禅作为藏传佛教供器于乾隆帝六十大寿时进献于乾隆,随后被乾隆帝分别供奉于养性殿、养心殿和盛京。据此亦可知,在清代,进入紫禁城的不仅有来自印度的玉器,还有金银器。明、清时期的细金工艺以及审美情趣,曾受伊斯兰地区装饰艺术的影响。 This paper takes a different view that the three silver enamel containers inlayed with gems in the collection of the Palace Museum ever since the imperial Qing court should be made in India in the age of the Mughals rather than in Tibet of China, all of which were presented by Panchen Lama as the Tibetan Buddhism offerings at the 70thbirthday of Emperor Qianlong() in his 45thyear of reign(1780 A.D.). Specifically, the stem bowl with stand shares some similarities with the Indian hookah in design and style. The jar with cover was used in the grand occasions of the Indian royal clans and noblemen. The trumpet- shell-shaped object was actually a pocket gun powder box which was worn to symbolize the military prowess of the wearer. These finely jeweled artifacts which had nothing to do with any religion on the land of India were enshrined in Yangxing Dian(Hall of Spiritual Cultivation), Yangxin Dian(Hall of Mental Cultivation) of the Forbidden City and Shengjing(now Shenyang) respectively. What is analyzed above suggests that the Indian gold and silver wares should have already entered the imperial court in the Qing dynasty as well as the jade articles from India. By the way, the Ming and Qing jeweled artworks inset with high-pure gold show the Indian craftsmanship but sort of feel like the Islamic style.

关 键 词: 银胎珐琅嵌宝石 高纯金镶嵌 掐丝 累丝 花丝 镶嵌 珐琅 印度莫卧尔王朝

领  域: [文化科学]


作者 许晓东
作者 卢焕洵
作者 宁彦君
作者 刘兴东
作者 钟婉怡


机构 中山大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 华南农业大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学人文科学学院中文系


作者 庞菊香
作者 康超
作者 廖燕萍
作者 廖荆梅
作者 张丽娟