作 者: ;
机构地区: 暨南大学经济学院金融学系
出 处: 《暨南学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2000年第6期96-101,共6页
摘 要: 经济学家认为预期是影响货币政策效应的一个重要因素。在我国,微观经济主体的理性越来越强,其预期也正在影响中央银行的货币政策传导,从而使货币政策收效变难。要提高货币政策效应,就必须准确披露政策信息,取信于民;利用信息优势,正确引导经济主体预期;采取有效政策措施,对其预期进行调整。 Economists both in China and throughout the world argue that expectat ion is an important factor that affects the effect of monetary policy. In China the rationality of microeconomic entity becomes stronger and stronger, and the e xpectation is also affecting the communication of monetary policy carried out by the Central Bank. All these lead to the serious effectiveness of monetary polic y. In order to reinforce the effectiveness of monetary policy, it is essential t o disclose the information on policy correctly and make it believable. Moreov er, it is important to avail of information advantagement and to guide the micro economic entity to have adequate expectation. Finally, we should make full use o f various policies and measures to adjust people's expectation.
关 键 词: 货币政策 货币政策效应 理性预期 新凯恩斯主义 消费 经济主体预期
领 域: [经济管理]