机构地区: 北京体育大学
出 处: 《天津体育学院学报》 2013年第4期277-286,共10页
摘 要: 通过质性分析与试验对运动员运动表现进行3项实证研究。研究1:对中国14名奥运会与世界冠军进行的访谈发现,中国精英运动员运动表现下降的参赛体验包括节奏破坏、流畅感丧失与心理疲劳;研究2:发现自我损耗组被试的持续性操作表现测试漏报率与错报率均高于非自我损耗组;研究3:发现自我(视频)损耗组被试对不匹配色词的反应时长于非自我损耗组。研究表明:运动员对无关想法、干扰刺激如果采取抑制的策略,不利于注意的稳定保持,会降低运动员处理冲突与应对干扰的能力,并对执行操作的灵活程度有消极影响。 Three studies were conducted in this paper to examine the performance degradation. In study 1, 14 Olympic Games and world champions from China were interviewed, the results indicated that the rhythm of preparation, flow lost and mental fatigue was the factors contributing to the suboptimal performance. In study 2 and study 3, it was found that participants who experienced ego depletion in the task performed more poorly in control test than participants who did not. The suboptimal performance was attributed to the decline in self-regulation capacity. As to unwanted thought or distractions, sup pression strategies are not helpful in maintaining of attention. Also, the energy of handling conflict would be reduced.