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Simulation of New Laminated Oil Cooler Heat Transfer and Flow Resistance Performance

作  者: ; ; ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学机械与汽车工程学院化工机械与安全工程研究所

出  处: 《压力容器》 2013年第10期1-6,共6页

摘  要: 采用Fluent软件对一种新型叠片式油冷却器进行数值模拟研究。选取代表性的结构进行建模,针对翅片间距、油流速及油种类进行分组模拟。从模拟结果中得到各参数对对流换热系数和压降Δp的影响情况。用传热综合因子η来评估传热效果的好坏,确定最佳的参数匹配。研究结果表明,进口速度为0.4 m/s,翅片间距b=2 mm时,选择DTE24型冷却油可以达到最佳的传热效果。研究结果对工程设计以及试验研究都具有一定参考价值。 Using Fluent to do the numerical study of a new type of laminated oil cooler. Selecting typical structure modeling, then choosing different fin pitch, oil flow and oil type to group simulation. Through the study of heat transfer and comprehensive performance under different working conditions, to determine the best matching parameters. Studying on how each parameter effect on the heat transfer coefficient and pres- sure drop. Using heat transfer factor to evaluate the heat transfer effect is better or not, to determine the optimal parameters match. The results indicates that v = 0.4 m/s, b = 2 mm, DTE24 are the best parame- ters combination. Results have a certain reference value on the engineering design and experimental re- search.

关 键 词: 叠片式 油冷却器 模拟试验 传热

领  域: [机械工程] [石油与天然气工程]




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