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Analysis of the changing natural light total illuminance trend in Chongqing by using MannKendall method

作  者: ; ; (全利);

机构地区: 重庆大学建筑城规学院

出  处: 《安全与环境学报》 2013年第5期90-94,共5页

摘  要: 为了研究重庆天然光总照度变化趋势。基于重庆1961—2012年太阳辐射数据,结合中国辐射光当量模型,获取重庆天然光年总照度值和月总照度值。在此基础上,应用Mann-Kendall检验方法及统计方法分析重庆天然光年和月总照度值年际变化趋势及分布状况。结果表明,重庆天然光年总照度基本变化趋势为减少,且变化趋势非常明显,并在1974年发生突变。重庆月总照度值变化趋势除5月、9月及11月无变化外,其他月份均减少,且其减少趋势在1月、7月、8月和12月非常明显,2月、4月及10月明显,3月不明显。同时重庆1月、2月、10月、11月和12月天然光月总照度值年际变化波动小,3月、4月、5月、6月、7月、8月和9月天然光月总照度值年际变化波动大;月总照度低值出现在冬季的1月和12月,月总照度高值出现在夏季的7月和8月。重庆夏季天然光月总照度值最大,冬季最小,春秋季居中,且春季月总照度值大于秋季月总照度值。 Abstract: The article is inclined to present our observation and in- vestigation of the solar radiation data throughout the years and its ef- fect on the climatic change of Chongqing. For long periods, we have been keeping our observation, with the climatic change of the global climate, we have found the natural illuminance changing obviously with the ever-worsening of the atmospheric pollution and the rapid ur- banization process. Ih order to study the total natural light illumina- tion trends in Chongqing, we have calculated its annual and monthly total illuminance volume of the natural hght based on the data of solar irradiance from 1961 to 2012 by using the China luminous efficacy model. Then, we have obtained the distribution of Chongqing' s an- nual and monthly natural light illumination sum total by Mann-Kendall test and statistical method. The results of our calculation and evalua- tion show that: Chongqing' s annual total natural light illuminance re- veals a significant decreasing trend when comparing it with the data gained in 1974. Since the decrease of the city' s annual tote2 natural light illuminance has come to the point of 2.4×10^8 lx/10 a, thestandard data of the total annual illumination has to be regulated to meet the need of day illumination demands in the city. The results of our study also show that the trend and the monthly light-illumination sum total except those in May, September and November, tends to decrease as compared with the other months, which turns to be very significant in January, July, August and December. On the other hand, there exists a generally significant increasing trend in Febru- ary, April and October, with an obvious weakly increasing trend in March and April. The volatility of monthly total iUuminance turns to be less in January, February, October, November and December, though it is larger in July and August. The peak monthly total illumi- nance volume appears in July and August, whereas the valley-bottom volume appears in January and December. In addi

关 键 词: 土木建筑工程基础学科 太阳辐射 辐射光当量 天然光照度

领  域: [建筑科学]


作者 关兆伟


机构 暨南大学
机构 广东机电职业技术学院


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