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Poems about Mao Shan——Tao Hongjing and aesthetic maoshan poetry

作  者: ;

机构地区: 江苏大学

出  处: 《阜阳职业技术学院学报》 2013年第1期17-21,共5页

摘  要: 陶弘景集儒、释、道三教思想于一身,在"立德"、"立功"、"立言"传统士人精神与价值观的熏染下,建观授徒,艰难创业,为发展茅山道教事业作出了重要贡献。他一生潜心学问,撰述道学、医学、文学等方面大量的著作,增添了中华文化宝库的宝贵财富。他隐居茅山四十余年,与山川草木朝夕相处,情深意厚,为此而创作了不少歌吟茅山美景的诗文佳作。其《诏问山中何所有赋诗以答》与《答谢中书书》一诗一文之经典,相得益彰,率先揭开了茅山美神的面纱,体现出作者诗意栖居的欣悦之情与自得之乐,同时也反映出作者钟情山川、珍爱自然的审美意识与欣赏情趣。他的诗文经典,深受后人高度之评介与接受之青睐,在中国文学史上,无疑占有一席重要之地位。 Tao Hongjing took in Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism thoughts and difficultly constructed the cause for the devel- opment of the maoshan Taoism , with made important contributions to the Taoism in Mao Shun. He also concentrated on knowledge, surgery, medicine, literature, and a lot of work, which contribute a lot to Chinese cultural treasure house. He retired to live in maos- han for 40 years and created a lot of poetry and prose works for maoshan mount. His "Shao Wen Shah zhong he suo you fus hi yida" and the "Da Xie Zhong Shu shu" complement each other, first opened maoshan' s veil of beauty , reflecting the author's love for mountains. His poetry are considered as classics in the history of Chinese literature, and will undoubtedly occupy an important posi- tion.

关 键 词: 陶弘景 修道练丹 著作等身 诗文经典 影响深远

领  域: [文学]


作者 刘芳芬
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机构 华南师范大学
机构 中山大学人文科学学院中文系
机构 暨南大学
机构 华南师范大学文学院
机构 广东外语外贸大学


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