机构地区: 陕西省考古研究院
出 处: 《南方文物》 2013年第3期117-124,共8页
摘 要: 过去已发掘的战国两汉时期铁作坊数量不少,但尚未有专文探讨如何通过整理废弃冶铸遗物来认识作坊性质。本文以最近新发现的陕西杨凌铁作坊为材料,讨论铁器手工业作坊的研究目标,以及在缺乏生产设施资料的情况下对废弃冶铸遗物的分类、记录的标准以及科技分析方法,望有助于对铁器手工业的考古学研究。 A considerable numher of iron production sites dating to the Warring States and Han Dynasty have been excavated in the past few decades. Yet, there is no research focuses majorly on the systematic and holistie methods to analyze manufacturing wastes. Based on the materials rcently excavated from Yanling, Shaanxi, this article is trying to discuss, theoretically, the key propose of studying iron production workshops and, practically, a feasible and reasonable standard for classification, recording, and analyzing the waste products in order to shed more light on the nature and organization of these production centers.